
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Unofficial Fish Lover

I'm feeling pretty guilty. I mean, I love Felix. He's a great little fish. But, the thing is, I'm not such a great little fish owner. I just get busy. And slightly forgetful. Let's just put it this way - I am very lucky he's so low-maintenance. I guess that is supposed to be one of the perks of fish as pets, but I think he's especially low-maintenance. He just sits in his little fish bowl, swimming around, minding his own business. I like this fish. And I am determined to take better care of him. I have three areas in which I have vowed I will improve:

1. Feeding
Don't freak out! I'm not starving my fish! He gets plenty of food. I think. I mean, he doesn't really look emaciated or anything. Can fish look emaciated? Anyways, the thing is Will usually feeds him. However, Will is gone. And has been for a few days. And I may have forgotten that the feeding thing needs to be done on a daily basis. But I did it today, and he's totally chill. To be quite honest though, I don't think Felix is really into eating. I watch him sometimes after I put the food in, and he usually ignores it. If he doesn't ignore it, he'll go grab a piece, stick it in his tiny little mouth, and spit it out. I don't get it.

2. Fish Bowl Cleaning
I. Hate. It. It's gross. And dirty. It's probably my least favorite job ever. It actually got so gross the other day that his little orange plastic plant (which I bought to add a little joy to his life) kinda turned dark green and was beyond saving. I know, I'm a terrible person. But to make it up to him, I drew him pictures of other little fish with my dry erase marker on the side of the bowl. He seems to like them. Cleaning a fish bowl is such a miserable job. I have to go through the hassle of fishing him out of his fish bowl (no pun intended) with that flimsy little net and sticking him in a little plastic baggie and scrubbing the bowl and filling it with fresh water - it's quite a production.   But I'm going to do better. Because Felix deserves a clean bowl.

3. Quality Time
Yeah, it sounds ridiculous. But actually, I think Felix likes to be talked to. He fans out his little fins and swims around with a little more excitement than usual (still not the much excitement though, he's pretty mellow). It's quite precious. And I figure he might be a good audience for listening to me rambling on, because he won't interrupt. We're looking at a win-win situation here. And besides, we're buddies. Why would we not spend quality time together?

I'm not a fish person. But I am going to strive to be one for Felix's sake. Because I love him.
I am an un[OFFICIAL] fish lover.

This is my boy Felix. He's quite the fish.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Unofficial Chef

I have done it. This may in fact be one of the proudest moments of my life. After years and years and years of practice, I have done it. I have created a masterpiece. With bread, and butter, and cheese. Yes. I have perfected the grilled cheese sandwich.

There is a very delicate balance when creating the perfect grilled cheese. It's all about the temperature of the stove, and the thickness of the cheese. You see, if the stove is too hot and the cheese is too thick, you will end up with burnt bread and not-melty (yes, it's a word, look it up) cheese. If the stove is too low and the cheese is too thin, you end up with limp bread and not enough cheese. Obviously. It requires a careful hand and an in-depth knowledge of stove usage. The goal of the grilled cheese is crisp buttery bread and warm melty cheese. I've actually thought about it a lot, and if I were into math, I might try to find a system of equations as a recipe for the perfect grilled cheese - one at which the breads crisps at the same rate as the cheese melts, the variable being the temperature. But as I am totally uninterested in math, I will not do that. Good news is, it turns out I don't even need an equation. The years of practice have finally paid off. It has just occurred to me that perhaps I should have taken a picture of my masterpiece. But it was simply far too wonderful to even consider making a cheap replication of it by means of photography (also, I was really hungry, and it looked super super delicious).
Today, I am very glad to say, I am an un[OFFICIAL] chef.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Officially Awesome Sunday

Yes. The title lacks creativity. Don't judge me. I tried to make it work, and this is what I came up with. Anyways ...

Today was a Classic Sunday. It was so great! So from the top (because I am certain you want a play by play of the day):
Church was super. The talks were great, and Primary was lovely. The class was reverent, and the lesson went well - it does not get better than that. And besides, it wasn't my week to teach, so throw an extra Woo Hoo! in for that. It was fantastic. I got home and ate some chocolate cake. Which was super delicious. Then I decided to be productive and work on my summer goals. I did that for about 10 minutes (I kinda only typed them up and printed them - I figure that's a good start), and then moved on. So I read Darren Criss' twitter and looked at every picture ever put on the internet of him ever (I'm going through a Darren Criss phase). When I reached the end of the internet (and as a note, that isn't actually part of the Classic Sunday), I went upstairs and joined the boys for a little Princess Bride action. And ate my own weight in chocolate chip cookies. They were super good! I couldn't help myself! So then family dinner. We had Chicken Enchilada Ring (pretty much the most amazing food on the planet), and we had an Box Elder Bug Incident. We were just chilling, talking about church, and all the sudden we notice a nasty little bug crawling on the ceiling. So of course I shriek, and then we all watch in rapture as it plummets toward the floor. It was pretty horrifying. However, dad took care of it. So it's all good now. Then we watched family home videos (which were hilarious. I'm not gonna lie, we are funny people) and I had a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sundae. Which was frickin amazing. I've really gotta stop with the chcolate chip cookies though. I believe there's a reason we don't make them very often ... So after that we had the obligatory Sunday Night Family Walk (which I actually skipped out on ... oops). And then mom and dad sent the kids to bed and we (mom, dad, Emily, and I) played cards. I schooled them. Naturally. What can I say? Nertz is my game. And now here I am! Blogging!
It has [OFFICIALLY] been a perfectly charming Sunday.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unofficially Summer

Summer is right around the corner. Right around. Basically, take one more step and BOOM there it is! Granted, it's April. And I have one more paper to write. And this weekend, I'm actually going to an Easter party. But the end of school means summer. Even if it comes in April. Which I'm really okay with. I am totally on board with an early summer.

This is the part of the post where I should be describing all the completely wonderful things I'm doing this summer. Except, oh, wait, nope. Nothing completely wonderful going on here. This is going to be a very VERY low-key summer. As in, the most exciting thing I have planned is chilling at home with Emily and James while the rest of the family is on trek (I wouldn't have it any other way though - trek was cool and all, but once is quite enough for me).

Hold the phone. There is an exciting thing. And it's called a book club. Yep. A book club! Because being nerdy is fun! I am a member (one of the two) of the Story of My Life Book Club. Feel free to be jealous. This is nerdy (exceptionally nerdy), but I am actually legitimately excited about this. We are reading: Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Little Dorit by Charles Dickens, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, and Emma by Jane Austen. Oh baby, I am so excited!

There may actually be two exciting things, as it turns out. I'm hoping to make it down to Cedar City for the Shakespearean Festival. I am DYING to see Les Miserables (isn't it nice that I'm reading that this summer too? I totally planned it that way). I'd also like to see Hamlet, but that one isn't showing until September. So maybe it will be a fall trip instead of a summer one.

So other than that, it will be a summer of chilling at home and working. Party on!
It is almost kind of un[OFFICIALLY] summer!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Officially Ravenclaw

Good news. I got my Pottermore account (about freakin time), I took the legit, J. K. Rowling approved sorting hat test, and all is well.
I am [OFFICIALLY] in Ravenclaw.

PS - I was chosen by a wand. Yes. CHOSEN BY A WAND. Super cool. And it is 12 and 1/4 inches, cherry wood, unicorn core, very bendy. Be jealous.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Official Jazz Fan

I know, I know, the name of the blog is un[OFFICIAL]. But sometimes I'm offically things too. Like today. Official Jazz fan. That's just how I roll.

So in January I went to a Jazz game. It was AWESOME. Because I have some sweet connections, our seats were in the fourth row. Yep. FOURTH row. Right down there. We could practically smell the sweat. They played the Lakers (booo!), and they lost in overtime. It was a tragic night. But, it was also a good night, because it is the night I was converted to basketball fandom. More specifically Jazz fandom. I faithfully watch every game (unless I'm at work, in which case I have resorted to getting updates every quarter from ChaCha - it's not quite the same, but it's the best I can do considering the cirumstances). And I'm working on finding myself a Gordon Hayward jersey. Or Alec Burks would also be acceptable. Both would be ideal.

Just in case you don't understand the importance of my love of the Jazz, allow me to give you a little background info. I am kinda anti-sports. I don't like them. A good part of that is thanks to my lack of coordination and non-competitve spirit. PE was the bane of my existence. I tried soccer, I tried softball. I didn't like them. AT ALL. So for me to go from being completely anti-sports to being a Jazz fan, it's a big deal. SOME will tell you I only like the Jazz because it's an excuse to watch some hotties. That is a lie. Sure, I like watching the hotties. Who doesn't. But that IS NOT the reason. It's because (drum roll, please) I like basketball. Well, watching basketball. Jazz basketball. But whatever! It's progress!

Also, here's some good news! They won their game last night! And Gordon Hayward had an AMAZING game! So yay! Good night. Very good night.
I am [OFFICIALLY] a Jazz fan.

And for your viewing pleasure ...
Gordon Hayward. Yeah baby.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Unofficially In Love

Why hello! Marry you? Yes, of course!
Tonight me and Abby were talking (as sisters are known to do), and we got talking about Hunger Games. Which we are both crazy obsessed with. But not the really crazy kind of obsession. Just, you know, the not weird kind of crazy. Anyways. We are both Peeta fans (because lets face it, Gale is cool and all, but he is nothing compared to Peeta). So one thing led to another, and we ended up watching YouTube videos of Josh Hutcherson interviews and looking at his pictures online. Pathetic, I know. But holy cow. Josh Hutcherson is so attractive! Good gracious! I mean, seriously. Look at that face and tell me you are not in love with him. And GUESS who was on Jay Leno tonight? If you said Josh Hutcherson, you are correct. What are the odds, right? But he is so cute, and funny, and Peeta. It's impossible not to adore him.
So I am un[OFFICIALLY] in love with Josh Hutcherson.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Unofficial Hermit

How often is one supposed to post on a blog? I'm not real well-informed as far as the blogging world is concerned. So. I guess I'll just blog occasionally and that will have to do.

Tonight I started registering for classes for fall semester. It's stressful. Especially because I don't have an inkling of what I actually want to do, so I'm kind of just playing it by ear. I think I've decided to get my Associate of Science from Weber, which (fingers crossed) I'll be done with by next semester. And from there? Who knows. I'm just hoping between now and December I have a better idea of what I want to do with my life. Since I decided I don't want to Medical Laboratory Sciences, I'm really at a loss. I'd sorta been planning on that for a couple years, and since I didn't have a back-up plan in place (make a note of that - always have a back-up plan), I just don't have any idea what to do. I've briefly considered an English major (and doing what with that?), Interior Design (doesn't seem like a very stable profession - what if people stop wanting to have their homes designed for them??), and becoming a hermit (so as to avoid this whole "figure out your life" mess). So far, none of these ideas have really wowed me. Except the one about being a hermit. It could be an exciting life. I might like it, actually. I could just hide in a cave, live off the land. Pack up an entire library to take with me. Not too bad. If I bring lots of blankets and food (because really, me, living off that land?) and what not, it might be a nice way to go. Of course, there are the problems with plumbing and lack of internet access. Among others. But they are minor details in the grand scheme of things.
Perhaps I will become an un[OFFICIAL] hermit.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Unofficial Blogger

I have done it. I have joined the blogging world. This is a big step. I'm not entirely sure where this need to record my life for all the world to see came from. But here we are. On a blog. My own little blog. Fun stuff.

A Brief Explanation:
Just thought I might give a brief explanation of my blog title. I feel like, officially, I'm a lot things. I'm officially a student at Weber State University, I'm officially a Primary teacher, I'm a officially a daughter, a sister, a friend - you get the idea. But what am I unofficially? A lot of other things. I'm unoffically a pianist, a writer, a pastry chef (... maybe not a pastry chef, but perhaps someday I will be an unofficial pastry chef). There are so many things that are an important part of me, but not really officially. I know, it doesn't make oodles of sense, but this is where we're at. So
Today, I am an un[OFFICIAL] blogger.

And PS: Happy Easter!