
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy


The what about me.
Translation: This is a compilation of all the things in the world I love.
Another Translation: This is basically a favorites list. You're thinking, "Really? A favorites list? That bored, are you?" And the answer is Yes. That bored.

Sea Otters - They're so dang cute. I mean, I can't believe how many crazy people live out in the world who don't choose sea otters are their favorite animal. Have you nuts ever even seen a sea otter? I don't think so. Because if you had, you'd love them too.

Dairy Products - YUM. I mean, just think of it all! Milk, cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, frozen yogurt, and the Queen Mother of all dairy goodness herself - Ice Cream. Mmmmmm. I can't even imagine being lactose intolerant. What an awful existence that would be!

Hammocks - I'll admit it right here - I'm not much for the great outdoors. I'd much rather be chilling inside than either freezing or burning to death, exposed to the elements. But I have found I like nothing better than sitting out in a hammock on a warm (warm, not hot) summer day with a good book. Or perhaps a pillow. A hammock is a surprisingly wonderful location for a good nap.

Books - I absolutely love reading. Escaping into another world by way of the written word is a marvelous experience, and one I strongly suggest more people find an interest in. It's not like my life isn't dangerously exciting (you've read the blog, you know), but I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to visit Caesar's Rome or Napoleon's Paris (you can't discount time travel, it could be the way of the future).

Chemistry - Ha! Just kidding. I loathe chemistry. I just thought I'd throw that one in there for kicks.

Cafe Rio - Mexican food at its finest. I'm telling you, the chicken quesadillas are fan-freaking-tastic. I would eat them every single day if I could. However, I'm going to opt not to do that, because if I ate them everyday, I would be gargantuan. And if that's avoidable, well, I'd rather not be gargantuan. But they are delicious.

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