
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Friday, October 26, 2012

Unofficial New Job

I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!! I got a NEW JOB! New job!!! Do you sense the joy and excitement over here? It's pretty great. Gah! New job! A few weeks ago I picked up an application for Bennion Crafts, took it over a week later, and this week - Hey, wanna come over for an interview? You bet your bottom dollar I do! And I go in today for said interview, and they're like, Hey! Come work here! So I'm like, Yeah, okay! That's basically how it all went down! I'm freaking excited. Nervous? Psh, of course I am! Let's not forget who we're talking about here. I'm nervous about literally everything. But I am so excited! I go in next Thursday for all that paperwork and crap, and then it's official! I will be a Bennion Craft employee!

I have an un[OFFICIAL] new job!!!!!!
(If Mrs. Rathke saw all those superfluous exclamation points, she would freak. But I'm excited, so gosh darn it, I'm going to use as many exclamation points as I please!)

Dang! I am still so excited!

PS - Maddy and Alex, my buddies from high school, both work there so I get to work with them! I'm so excited. So. Excited!

PPS - I'm doing framing (scary, but Maddy and Alex both love it and I'm confident I will too! Gosh, I hope I love it) and cashiering (which will be a new experience, I'm sure). So yay for that! Yay for everything!

PPPS - I love crafts! And craft stores! This is literally perfect.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unofficial Update: Welcome Back Jazz!

It's late, so I'll make this a quick one. 

Dudes, it's here! It's started! This is an awkward time to post about this (because probably I should've posted the beginning of this month when the practices started, or the end of this month when the season technically starts and they play there first game), but whatevs. The Jazz are in full swing, so it is cool. Tonight I watched my first game of the season (... preseason. But let's not get all technical about it), and it was awesome. All that I had dreamed it would be. The Great Basketball Drought is over, at long last. And man, I tell ya, it felt like an eternity. But it's over, and I don't have to be sad anymore. Life is good.

So. Tonight. The Jazz played the Lakers. Again. Which seems weird to me. I guess maybe this is because I'm new to the sport, but I don't know, it seems odd that they would be playing the same teams multiple times in the preseason. Maybe they only play people in their conference, so that makes things weird. That's my guess, anyways. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Playing the Lakers. They won again. Makes me so proud. I just hate the Lakers. And my cute little Jazz team beat them twice! The Lakers really aren't playing hard, knowing these games count for nothing and all, but a win is a win, and I am pleased.

Reasons To Be Pleased
1. They won. Yeah baby!
2. I got to see Mr. Hayward in action. I love that man. (I'm sure we'll get an un[OFFICIALLY] In Love post starring him soon enough. Don't fret.)
3. I got to use my sweet nicknames (most of which were coined by my father and I), after waiting for almost forever. Which is a crying shame, because they really are good nicknames.
*A Short Glossary of Nicknames*
Gordon Hayward - Gordy, Gordyonion (it looks like Gordy onion, but it's pronounced Gordy-own-i-own. I had to use my imagination with the spelling there.)
Derrick Favors - D-Fav
Al Jefferson - Big Al, El Jeffe
Enes Kantor - Gigantor, Big E
Alec Burks - Burksy, The Burkster
Paul Millsap - Pauly M, The Sapster
Randy Foye - Atta Foye (cute little play on words there)
DeMarre Carroll - DeMarre-O Speedwagon (get it? Like, the 80's band? Good, right?)
The rest are still waiting for their nicknames, but don't worry. They will come soon enough. I imagine you are thinking to yourself, "Huh. Does she really think I care about her nicknames for the Jazz players?" The answer to that would be no, but you should care, because they rock! But really, no. I'm quite certain you don't care. But I love them, and they need to be shared.
4. They won! (it made the list twice, because it's just that cool)
5. They beat the Lakers! This is different from 1 and 4, because it's not so much the win for the Jazz as the loss for the Lakers we're focusing on here.

So I guess the season hasn't technically started yet, but I'm just happy to watch my Jazz again (yes, I have repeatedly referred to them as mine. It's okay. I just love them that much). 

That's your un[OFFICIAL] update on the Jazz. Woot woot!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Unofficial Update

My poor, poor little blog. I'm feeling rather guilty for not having posted anything for almost two weeks. I'm sure no one else noticed the absence, but I feel bad. Poor bloggy. All alone on the internet, not a friend in the world, without even a recent post to keep it company. Woe is my blog.

Now then. That's enough of that. On to bigger, happier things. I shall now proceed to give an update on all that has happened the past two weeks worth noting. Which isn't much. Hence the lack of blogging. But we shall try.

1. I Finished Les Miserables.
I did it, guys. I finally did it. It only took me four months, but who's counting, right? I am SO glad I just sucked it up and finished it. It was fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. New favorite book? I think yes. That should be a hint that this book really is great, because it's kicking my Jane Austen fav out of the Number One Position, and we all know how wonderful Jane Austen is. This book is a biggin. It's not an easy read. But man, it is worth every page, every sentence, and, dare I say it, every word. I almost want to read it again, like, right now. But I won't. That would be foolishness. I have other fish to fry. 

2. I Rock At Fantasy Football.
I have a new love in my life. Its name is football. I don't even just tolerate or like it anymore. I freaking love it. Who woulda thought? I love sports. Saying those words still feels weird, but there you go. Now back to Fantasy Football. I love it. It is so much fun! My team is the Green Lantern Corps (yeah, be jealous. Be freaking jealous because that name ROCKS). My quarterback is Eli Manning. Who I love. Eli is my home fry (let it be known that a copyright for that phrase is in the works, so please, hands off. I know it's literary genius, but don't go stealing it). And I also have the Giants defense, which is great, because they're a pretty good defense, and also my FAVORITE team (I have a favorite team!). Except here's my dilemma. Well, actually there are two dilemmas. But this is the first. I have two defenses. The Giants and the 49ers. Both are good. But I keep playing the wrong defense. Without fail, the defense I put in does an okay job, but the defense on the bench kills it. We're talking a 20-25 point difference here. Which, for all you not-Fantasy Football players out there, is a HUGE problem. Second dilemma is the fact that I should be second rank overall, but I'm third. That bites.

3. The Jazz Season Is Starting.
Gah! I have been waiting for this for forever! I'm beyond excited. They've already played three preseason games (2-1, with a win against the Lakers! I know, I know, my dad keeps telling me that the preseason really doesn't mean anything, but still. I love when the Lakers lose. Especially to my Jazz. That's what's up, Kobe and Nash. That is what's up.) And only 16 days until the first game of the regular season! I got work off and everything! So while all you people go to your costume parties and watch your scary movies, I will be watching the Jazz game. Boom. So excited.

4. The Semester Is Almost Halfway Over.
I'm pretty excited for this semester to end. Not that I'm not liking my classes or anything. They're all going really well, and I actually kinda like them all. But when the semester ends, it will be December. And we all know what that means. Hello Christmas! And Les Mis! I can't quite decide which I'm more excited for ...

5. We Got An Xbox And Kinnect.
It's a blast guys. A blast. Except last Monday, I was a little over zealous with the Fruit Ninja, and I had super sore arms and back for the next two days. Pretty pathetic. But it's all good. I also got Project Gotham Racing 4 (the newest version of PGR, which was my favorite Xbox game until my dear brothers broke the Xbox and it was given to the DI) for ten bucks on Amazon. Including shipping. What a steal, right? I love good prices on Amazon. It's the best. And while I'm not quite up to par yet on my racing, it's starting to come back. Which is good, because that's basically the only game I'm good at. Also, we got a game called Kinnectimals. It's basically a Chia pet sort of game, except much much cooler and more technologically advanced. I have a lion. His name is Marco. He's quite dashing.

So yeah.
That's it for the un[OFFICIAL] update.

Oh PS: I cut my hair. I went for the fringe bangs. I'm not sure I like them yet. I think they'll take some getting used to. But I don't hate them, so that's a good start, right? I also went just a teeny bit darker and a teeny bit redder. Sort of chestnut-ish. That's the word my haircut lady used to describe it, so we'll go with that.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Unofficial Meme

You guys. I found my meme. That meme that says, "Yeah. This is Anna." This is where the story takes a sad turn. Because memes are fun, right? Sure! They are oodles of fun! Except no. Not always. The meme that says, "Yeah. This is Anna." is the Socially Awkward Penguin. Yeah. It really is. Every single time I read one, I'm like, "No way! That is my exact life story!" You don't believe me, do you? It is very gracious of you to believe I am not extremely socially awkward, bless your heart, but it is the truth. And I will prove it to you now. Welcome to Anna's Life As Pictured By Memes.

Anna's Life As Pictured By Memes

Is it just me, or is that awkward as all get out? I never know how to react.
This really happens. And it's mega-awkward.
All but the beer. Of course.
Wait. There are people who don't do this?
I'm paranoid, so sue me.
You see? This is just ridiculous. Literally every single one applies to me.

I have an un[OFFICIAL] meme.