
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Officially Have The Best Mom Ever

This is my Mother's Day post. As I'm sure you could tell from the title. My title creating skills are legendary, are they not? So here we go ...
Moms are the best. They really are. Where would we be without our moms, right? But I'm afraid I'm must admit I think mine is the best of the best. I really lucked out where mothers are concerned. She really is amazing. I will now outline a few of the reasons why my mom rocks. Because if I were to outline all the reasons, well, it would take quite a while.

1. She is the best carpool buddy in the world (and for those of you who don't know, yes, my mom and I carpool up to Weber together because she works at the Institute). When I first realized I was going to drive up to school with my mother, I was a little leery of the arrangement. I mean, really. I'm in college. And I ride up with my mom? That's cool ... But it was that or public transportation (my arch nemesis - buses seriously scare the living daylights out of me), so my choice was made. However, I have actually legitimately loved it. It's an extra hour a day I get to spend with my mom, just the two of us. And I get to tell her all my funny stories (well, I think they're funny) and she tells me all her funny stories (and they actually are funny), and we have oodles of fun.
2. She buys me chicken strips. I know it sounds really silly. But it actually does mean a lot to me. I have this really intense hate of eating meat off the bone. It just grosses me out to no end. So whenever we get chicken for dinner (you know, the bag of chicken at the grocery store? That sounds gross, so I hope you know what I'm talking about, or you're really going to get the wrong impression) she always gets a chicken strip for me. It's not a big deal, but it's a little way that she shows she loves me.
3. She is a great pianist. She is really really great. I used to have a lot of trouble getting to sleep when I was little, and then I had all this anxiety as it got later and later and I would get so worked up that sleep was all but impossible. But when mom played the piano, it helped me to calm down and finally sleep. I can't count the number of nights she'd play for me. And now that I can play too, we like to play duets on the piano together. That is seriously one of my favorite things.
4. We can talk about anything and everything. I honestly know that I can tell her anything. And, actually, I do tell her everything. It is so nice knowing I can really talk to my mom. And I mean really talk. Not just "oh, yeah, work was fine". It's more like, "So, tonight, at work, blah blah blah and at school I saw so-and-so blah blah blah yada yada yada and so on". Very fascinating stuff, as you can see. But really, there is nothing we can't talk about. I love that.

Isn't she fantastic? Of course there about a million other things I could've said, but these are the first four I thought of.
I [OFFICIALLY] have the best mom ever.


  1. Buses scare me too! But somehow, I managed to ride them all last school year... With a few little freak out moments of course!

  2. You are far braver than I. I am waaaaay to chicken to ride the bus. So pathetic. But such is life, I guess. :)
