Yep. You read that right. I, Anna Young, went on a blind date. And since Mr. Blind Date Boy isn't likely to ever read this ever, I feel okay about spilling the deets (that's cool talk for details. Because I am indeed cool). For the purposes of this blog post, we will call him Mr. Boy (because the blind date part is a given, and takes way too long to type).
So here's how it went down. Emily, in her infinite kindness towards me (Ha. Ha. Ha.) set up this little blind date. Yeah, thanks for that. So she doubled with a boy she knew, and I was with his friend (and he is also apparently Emily's friend). Anyways. They came to our house and we made little pizzas and played games. Pretty harmless date, right? Yeah. Except Mr. Boy kinda made me crazy. For the following reasons.
Reason 1: Mr. Boy is a Ute fan. Which, in and of itself, isn't really a terrible thing. Actually, it kind of is (Boo Utah Utes!). Up until nowish, I haven't actively hated the U, but this boy may have changed my mind. I'm turning into a hater. He is the most obnoxious Ute fan I've ever met (which is truly saying something, because, well, most Ute fans are obnoxious). His reasons for liking the U? They're in the Pac 12. Yay, congrats for you. They have lots of money. How nice. They win. Yippee skippy. What shallow reasons. And not only that, but he went as far as dissing on the Y. In. My. House. Pardon me? What the heck is that about? Leave. Just leave now. (And we're only on Reason 1. You can see where this is going).
Reason 2: When we played Just Dance, he wouldn't dance to even one song. And Just Dance is not a game I feel comfortable playing while being watched. No. Not even cool. And you seriously can't dance to one song? Lame. (His excuse? Being on his feet all day. At an art festival. Now that's classy...)
Reason 3: We played Ticket to Ride, and while we were playing, he said sometimes he likes to be antagonistic (and you could tell he was really proud he knew that word, because he threw it in the conversation a good five or six times) just to annoy people and screw them up. He doesn't even care about winning. He just wants people to be angry and annoyed. Mission accomplished, Mr. Boy. Mission accomplished.
Reason 4: He thinks he's the coolest. Because he goes to art festivals (sorry bud, but that's weird). And is going into physics (grossssssssss). And considered going to culinary school (but decided against it because of the high suicide rates). He really takes himself way too seriously. Like, when we were making the little pizzas, he was trying to be all fancy chef-like about it. But really, they're little pizzas. Pretty basic stuff. Please, dude. Stop trying so hard.
That's the date in a nutshell. Except for my date, it actually wasn't so bad. The only problem is, if you take out my date it doesn't count as a date, so this is all for naught. Eh. Whatever. The one upside of this is that I can cross "blind date" off my list of Summer Adventures and call it good.
So that was my [OFFICIAL] blind date.
*A Side Note*
I feel like blind dates count for nothing. It's just two people wrangled into this mockery of a fun evening by well-meaning but completely obtuse mutual friends. Doesn't count. Dates are only dates if the girl is actually asked out by the boy, knowing full well who he's asking out, based upon her own merits. Blind dates are lame.
:) My parents met on a blind date. Just sayin'. You never know who you're going to meet, but my experience in the past with blind dates was also quite terrible.