It's been an interesting Thanksgiving. Due to a vast amount of STUPID, I had to miss Thanksgiving with the Barnes Clan and my newly returned missionary grandparents for work. Yeah. I'm still bitter. But that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is my newly discovered skills as a bandit.
I got home from Thanksgiving with the Young Clan. I parked the car outside, where it goes. I got into the garage. I opened the door to the house to let release the hounds and let them into the wild of our backyard to do their business. The last sentence is a lie. I tried to open the door, but I failed. Because I locked it before I left. LIKE AN IDIOT. I figured since I was parking outside I wouldn't use the garage all weekend, so I may as well lock the door. That was dumb. So I tried all the doors to the house. They were locked. Naturally.
Cue Panic Mode.
I freaked out. I called Emily. She didn't have a spare key. I called Mom. Apparently we don't have a spare key either. Good to know. She suggested I try getting in a window. Cool idea, Mom. So I did what anyone would do is such a situation.
I cried.
It was pretty pathetic, actually.
And then I cried some more. And then I called Emily in tears and she said she was on her way and stop freaking out. And then I decided I'd better pick myself up and try getting in a stupid window. Because I'm a fighter. (That was actually my thought process in deciding to try breaking in a window. I was like, "Shoot! I can't just sit here! That's stupid. I'm a fighter. I'm getting in my house, dang it!" So props to me for that moment of strength. Those babies are few and far between, you know?)
So. I got on the deck. I cried some more (I'm a crier even when I'm trying to keep my crap together, apparently), and I pulled on the screen to the window for a LONG TIME and I finally pried it out. And then I pushed up on the window. And then.
Yeah. It opened. That was the most magical moment of my entire existence. So I cried and climbed into the very dark kitchen and wandered around blindly, feeling for the lights and crying. (I cried a crap ton.)
You never know how strong you are until you're tested to your limits. (I'm totally joking.)
But for reals. It was an intense Thanksgiving. And now I know I could be a bandit if I had to be. As long as all houses keep a convenient window near the deck unlocked.
I'm an un[OFFICIAL] bandit.
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