I'm in love quite a lot, as it turns out. Which is fine, I guess. I mean, I'm never even going to meet any of these people in real life. Why not be in love with them all? I really don't see any reason for me to pick just one.
And so, today it is Eddie Redmayne. The lucky winner.
Well, hello, Best Picture Ever Taken!
How I love that man. If any of you have seen Les Miserables (which you all for sure should have seen - those of you who haven't ... I just don't even know what to say to you. Go see it. Like, now. If there is a theater near you, and it's not unreasonably late, go and see it), you know what I'm talking about. He is just amazing. Just amazing.
I saw him first in Tess of the d'Urbervilles. And fell promptly in love with him. And then forgot him just as quickly in favor of some other beautiful boy. However, the story has a happy ending, because now I love him again! I think what drew me to him in Tess, besides being the obvious love interest of the story, was the innocence about him. Which is perfect for the character of Angel Clare. He isn't supposed to be some ridiculously gorgeous, hunky guy (yes, hunky, people still say it). That's much more Alec d'Urberville's line of work. Because there's supposed to be this stark contrast, you see, of Angel and Alec. Where Alec is worldliness, Angel is innocence. And Eddie Redmayne is perfect for that part.
Look at the massive amounts of cuteness going on right here!
He plays a similar role in Les Mis. Marius isn't the raving revolutionary (even though he looks a teeny bit like that in the movie) like Enjolras. Enjolras has a really enigmatic and noble personality - he's a leader. Which is why he leads the rebellion. Obviously. But Marius is swept up by the rebellion partly for the memory of his father, and partly because his friends happen to be revolutionaries. He really is just a boy in love. Which, again, Eddie Redmayne is perfect for! Isn't that just the best?
Good. So much good is happening in this picture.
Oh, and that voice! Speaking and singing, no less! When he sings Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - good grief! Not only is the singing incredible (like, seriously incredible), the acting is just magnificent! You can see the emotion. It practically gets up and bites you, right on the face. I was so impressed. When I heard he was cast, I was thrilled, but I didn't know if he could really sing. Turns out he totally can. I am pleased.
And while we're talking Les Mis - IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER! Yes. It was. Also, Eddie Redmayne is the best boy ever (perhaps I'm exaggerating ... but whatever. Who cares?).
Sometimes, working retail, you run into awkward situations. I recently began working in Floral at Bennion. Which is fine. I quite like working Floral. Except when people ask me to tie them a nice bow. Because the Floral managers have not yet seen fit to teach me how to tie a good bow. Usually when this happens, I just call over Denise or Debbie or Mike, and they make a bow, and all is well. Occasionally, this plan fails because they are not at work. Such as tonight.
It began much as any other night at work. I was bored. I wanted to go home. I was bored. When, much to my surprise and joy, my parents came in! I really love getting visits at work from my fam. So I talked to them, and as we chatted (briefly), I saw behind them the most beautiful boy I had ever laid eyes on. Like a young Brad Pitt with ridiculously blue eyes. He was gorgeous. He was wearing this really nice, dark green sweater with a white button-up shirt, and this red and green plaid tie - mmmmm. And he had a really nice watch. All these things combined to make one good looking man.
And now, for your visual.
This is him.
And this is me.
He looked like he had a question (probably, "Hey, excuse me, do you know where _______ is?") Naturally, my first instinct was to run. So I ditched my parents, answered the phone to look busy, and I counted my escape a success. Though I was not disappointed to see him walk past me a couple times (don't judge - he was seriously beautiful. You would've done the same thing). And so lost was I in drooling over his devastating good looks, that I was caught quite by surprise when he spoke to me. I thought I was home free! And then - no. I panicked. I'm almost certain my face went beet red (which is stupid, because nothing embarrassing has even happened yet!). He asked me if we had any cellophane bags he could put a gift basket in. I was like, "Yeah, they're over here, blah blah blah. Panic panic panic." And then he was like, "See, the gift's for my sister (Awe, cute!). And we sort of have a contest to see who can have the fanciest gift wrapping (Huh. That's interesting) and I'm kind of in a hurry because the party's tonight (Procrastinate much?). Do you think you could help me out, if I just bring the stuff in?" And before I could actually think, I heard myself babbling about "Yeah, sure!" and "No problem!" Stop Anna! Abort! Abort! There's a big problem! And it's called, you don't know diddly squat about wrapping fancy baskets and tying fancy bows.
As soon as he left to get his stuff, I went in search of a bow-tier. I asked literally every soul working. And, because such is my luck, none of them knew how to tie bows. I really got myself into a pickle. But I couldn't say no! I couldn't possibly disappoint such a beautiful being (which is ironic, because saying I can help, and then having to admit I don't know how to tie bows is much more disappointing than just telling him, "Hey, sorry, can't help ya" from the start).
When I get back from my unfruitful search, he was already standing at the counter with his stuff for the gift basket. So here we are. We get his gift all wrapped up in a basket and cellophane, and then we reach the inevitable moment when he asks, "Can you, like, tie it with a big bow? It needs lots of razzle dazzle." These are his exact words. And then I'm like, "Er, well, I can try!" I can tie a decent bow, but it's just the normal everyday kind. Not the "razzley dazzley" kind. I attempted a bow. I tried. I really did. But it was awful, even by my low standards.
It looked something like this ... But possibly worse.
After I finished tying it, we just sat there in silence for a minute. Staring at it. I was trying to summon the end of the world that I was promised, and he was probably trying to think of a polite way to inform me I shouldn't be volunteering to help wrap Christmas gifts. I suggested that perhaps if we used some gold ribbon, along with the red, it might look better.
It didn't. It was pitiful. So pitiful, in fact, that Mr. Young Beautiful Brad Pitt asked some lady looking at the ribbon (yes. Just some random customer) if she knew how to tie a bow. It was that bad. I mean, it wasn't an ugly bow. But it was much nearer an ugly bow than I would have wished.
Thankfully, the woman knew how to tie a bow. Hers looked all beautiful and professional. So the story has a happy ending! Some random lady got to show off her bow tying skills, and the Mr. Young Beautiful Brad Pitt got his razzle dazzle bow. And I got to slink away slowly, praying for the end of the world.
Oh, and after that, I got a bloody nose. I was dripping copious amounts of blood, and got to go home early. In shame. So much shame.
Occasionally, I forget I'm going on a mission. For approximately 2.4 seconds. And every time I remember, I just get this really excited feeling. And sometimes, when this exciting feeling is unstoppable, I start yammering on about how excited I am to whoever's near enough to hear me (or to myself, when I'm alone). And so you, unlucky reader, will get to hear plenty of yammering.
I am just so happy. It's amazing. And it's a different kind of happy, you know? It's like I'm happy because I know what I'm doing is right, and it's what the Lord wants me to do. At work, there's this scrapbook paper (and yes, there's a point to the story - be patient) with quotes from random famous people on it. One of the quotes that really stood out to me was attributed to Joan of Arc. It said, "I am not afraid ... I was born to do this." I can't boast being as brave as Joan of Arc, because sometimes, I think about going out there in the big wide world on my own, and I'm scared spit less. But, like Joan of Arc, I know that I was born to do this (it's, like, the one thing we have in common). It's part of God's plan for me, and I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share His Gospel with the people of Poland! I'm so glad that I decided to go, and that the Lord nudged me in the right direction on this one - it's hard to think now about not going.
That's another thing. Poland. I love it. It's so crazy how two weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about the country of Poland. But now, it's a part of my every thought. I feel this sudden connection with it, even though I've never been there. I remember, as I was reading my call, and I read "Poland Warsaw" - right then, I knew it was where I was supposed to go, and I just loved it. It feels almost like my home away from home now. Which is crazy, because I've never even been there before. But I love it! I love Poland! I love my Polish CTR ring, I love the awesome Polish flag hanging by our front door - I just love Poland. It's my new favorite country (sorry France ... this is awkward).
I am un[OFFICIALLY] thrilled to be serving my mission in Poland!
PS - Good news! Megan got her mission call today, and she's going to Milan Italy! Is that not the craziest? She leaves May 1. So I leave February 27 for Poland, Bree leaves March 20 for Rome, and Megan leaves May 1 for Milan! Hopefully Annlie will hurry up and get her papers done (that woman - she is slow), and we can add her to the list! I LOVE that all four of us will be out there serving at the same time. The Church is true, friends. The Church is true.
I love hymns. So so much. I think they're absolutely beautiful. And my favorite hymn, of all time (unofficially - because there are LOTS of hymns I love, so the Favorite Position rotates) is Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
Here are the lyrics for you. I assume you know them, but I just really love the words to this song, so I want you to read them again.
Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Why, you may ask, do I love this song so much? Sure, it's fabulous, but is it any better than the other Christmas hymns? Why this one?
There are, in fact, a couple of reasons.
Firstly, this song is featured on Scrooge (the best movie of almost all time). With a bunch of little boys singing in British accents. That just spells fun.
Second, it's got a good tune to it. It's catchy.
Third (and most important), these words are really beautiful. The first verse is fantastic, I love it oodles. But the second in the one that really hits home for me. These lyrics are about more than His birth - they're about His mission here. They're about why He came. He was "born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth". He came here for US. To give us a chance to return to our Father in Heaven. This song tells about that so beautifully - I don't know how it couldn't be my favorite.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is my un[OFFICIAL] favorite hymn.
Today has been the most fabulous day ever. Really honestly. But let's begin at the beginning, shall we?
Fabulous Thing #1
I finished all my finals and crap! The semester is officially over, I basically rocked, and I am getting my Associate's Degree. Boom.
Fabulous Thing #2
They're making a Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2! It will be called Cloudy 2: Revenge of the Leftovers, and Neil Patrick Harris is being added to the cast! But even more fun - John Francis Daley (The Love Of My Young Life) is co-writing the script. It's coming out September 27 of next year, and will FOR SURE be the first movie I watch when I get home from my mish ... Or maybe, like, in the top fifty.
Fabulous Thing #3
MY MISSION CALL CAME! It came! At last! But again, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start from the start.
Last night was absolute agony. It was like Christmas Eve on crack. I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I just lay there, thinking, and thinking, and thinking. My mind would not shut off. Misery. And then morning came at last (yay!), and I went to school (boo!), and I came home to open my mission call! The plan was to open it at 12:12 (a very auspicious minute - 12/12/12, 12:12). But alas, instead of coming at the usual time (11:30), the mailman decided not to come until, like, 12:40. I tell you, that was, like, the most miserable half hour of my life. I mean, really. There was some serious anxiety going on at this house. James and Emily watched for the mail from the door, my Dad and Abby even chased down a mail truck to see if they had it (they didn't - it was the wrong truck). We were all of us quite anxious. And then, at long last, it came!
We gathered in the family room, attempted to FaceTime Annlie (except that ended up being a fail, because it cut out right before I announced where I was going), and opened the call. My heart was pounding about a million beats a minute. I accidentally saw the word "Warsaw", but didn't have time to focus on it because I was already reading out loud to my family from the beginning. "Dear Sister Young: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Poland Warsaw Mission." At this point, the flood gates really opened. I had convinced myself I would be serving state-side. I did NOT see this coming. I was crying, and laughing, and hugging, and there was lots of freaking out.
I'm going to learn Polish! Polish! I'm so excited! I leave February 27th. That feels like it's crazy soon, but I'm so excited! And, of course, I'm scared to death. I'll be halfway around the world, speaking a language I don't know! But it's all going to be okay, because it's right. I know it's right.
Poland is so pretty! I'm super excited to go!
I'm an un[OFFICIAL] missionary, and Jadę do Polski!
For those of you aren't savvy with the Polish, that means "I'm going to Poland!"
Patience is not one of my virtues. I don't want to wait anymore, dang it. And I know it's just a couple more days until my call gets here, but honestly. I want it RIGHT now. Like, this exact second.
I'm basically in Mission Limbo right now. I don't have an exact location to focus my energies and thoughts, so they're basically trying to cover the whole world. Which, in case you were unaware, is impossible. It's misery. Utter misery.
I am so close. So close. If I can make it through tomorrow, and next Wednesday, all in one piece - I will be done. I will be a college graduate. Sounds legit, doesn't it? And yeah, I know, it's only an Associate's Degree. But still! I will have a degree! I'm quite excited.
At this point, I'd have to try not to graduate. I've taken all the right classes, I took those stupid computer tests (and a quick update - I passed that stupid Excel one! Also the other one. I passed them all! Huzzah!), and I'm there! I am so there. Now all I have to do is get better than a D- in my classes. That's right. A D-. They set their expectations pretty dang high at Weber.
So, let's make a list of all the things I have left to do (for my sake more than your's - I'm a little scared I'm going forget to do something. I need a list).
*To Do Before Next Week Is Over*
1. Take Music test. (Shouldn't be too difficult, all things considered.)
2. Turn in my Language & Culture log. (For the final time! Praise be for that!)
3. Write Language & Culture final paper. (It will be annoying than anything - I'm really not expecting it to be much work. Just time consuming,)
4. Take Psychology test. (Only one more! The last test!)
Only four things! That's it! I am SO CLOSE!
I am an un[OFFICIAL] graduate! Almost. But we're close enough that I'm callin' it.
The other day, I was reading a book about the Revolutionary War era. The main character fell in love with and married a guy who was twelve years older than her. As I was reading, I thought, Dang. Twelve years? That's just too big a gap. I could buy eight years, maybe even ten. But twelve? No way, Jose. The next day, after ogling Tom Hiddleston for a while (uh, perhaps an hourish ... but who's counting, right?) on Pinterest, I decided perhaps twelve years is acceptable. Very acceptable. Of course, it's merely coincidental that Tom Hiddleston and I are twelve years apart in age. Funny how that happens, isn't it?
Twelve years? That's nothin'.
I know he isn't classically handsome. If you want classically handsome, take a look at Orlando Bloom (who I am a fan of as well, in case you were wondering). But he's still got this something about him that works. Look at those eyes. They're as blue as the day is long. And he has a fabulous smile. Not in the picture above, obviously. That's the smolder look. Which I quite like. He does it extraordinarily well.
There's the smile! Radiant, isn't it?
He is, without a doubt, the most beloved villain of all fandom. I'm pretty sure he has more fangirls than Iron Man or Captain America or Thor. Because Loki is lovable. He's bad, but mostly because he's misunderstood! He needs love! But no. Poor baby. No one loves him (except all the crazy fangirls, of course). I think the reason he has so many fans is because we've seen him change from being a good person (in the beginning of Thor) to a super villain (in Avengers). We watched as he changed, and saw why he did it. And really, can you blame him? The poor kid finds out he's adopted, his family doesn't love him (or at least always see him as second to Thor), he's treated like scum - it all comes together to make quite a bitter, lonely boy. We feel bad for him! That's why we love him. Also, he's super attractive. But whatever. It's cool.
Hello Loki! Look at him. Just look! Even when he's evil, he's beautiful!
Also, I love him in War Horse. That is an excellent movie. And he is an excellent person. So that's nice.
Before you read this post, you have to promise you won't let it make you think less of me. Really. I want a verbal contract between you and me that says something along the lines of, "I (your name here), promise not think less of Anna because of this post." And I promise to keep telling you all the things about me that aren't quite so lovely. (You're on the losing end of this one, friend.)
Were there an award for being a Procrastinator Extraordinaire, it would be mine. All mine. You may think, "Well, Anna, surely you aren't the only one in the world who procrastinates. It simply isn't possible, that of all the people in the world, you are the absolute biggest procrastinator." Alas, such is not the case.
An example. This is the part where we should refer back to that opening paragraph. Don't think less of me. Here's the deal. I hate cleaning. Being lazy and a procrastinator is an awful combination of personality traits. I was lucky enough to come out with these two. And, to my chagrin, Emily shares them with me. Hence, we live in filth. Okay, well, not filth, exactly. Just ... kinda. It looks like a laundromat exploded in our room. There are clothes literally everywhere. On the bed, on the floor, on the chairs, on the little table - like, literally everywhere. This does not make me happy. But when I've got an occasional spare minute, I don't want to spend it cleaning. I want to watch an episode of Bones or blog or read. Not clean. And so, my room has been in this state basically since the start of the semester. Embarrassing.
Another example, to illustrate my point. In order to get an Associate degree from Weber, one must either take computer technology classes, or test out of them. Since I'm fairly competent at computer stuff, I decided to take the tests. I registered for them, as I would any other class, with every intention of getting them out of the way at the beginning of the semester. I took one in mid-September. And one just before Halloween. Which means I still have two left. One of them shouldn't be a problem, and I'm not overly worried. The other? The other is on Excel. The one program I really struggle with. So here I am. Blogging. Instead of studying for the blasted test. And they are both due on Friday. This Friday. Like, four days from now. And besides getting those two little cuties out of the way, I also need to write a paper (oops - make that three papers - one of Language and Culture and two for Psychology), take two exams, do three little assignments, and not allow the stress of working retail to make me suicidal. Oh, and experience vast amounts of anxiety about the mission call I'm expecting to come next week. This is a breeze.
It just kills me that I've had all semester to take these dumb tests, but just kept putting it off and putting it off. And now here we are at the end, and I am freakin' out. It's so so stupid! I should have just done it at the beginning, like I meant to. I should have known that the last week of the semester would be stressful, and the added pressure of those dumb computer tests would not make for a fun week. But no. I procrastinated. As per usual.
Friends, procrastination is NOT good. Don't do it. You all know this, I'm sure. I'm mostly saying this for my own benefit. Of course, as many times as I say this, I'm pretty dang sure I'll still be procrastinating away, blogging and Pinteresting and Facebooking and reading and doing all manner of wasteful activities in avoidance of the important and stressful. NOT GOOD. Here's my advice - if you've got a big project or test or assignment (or whatever it may be), get it out of the way sooner rather than later. Seriously. You'll save yourself a whole ton of stress. Just do it, and be done with it.
I am an un[OFFICIAL] procrastinator. And I'm not proud of it.
Go ahead. Reread that title. Came a little bit out of left field, didn't it? You aren't alone, friend. It came out of left field for me too.
*A Preface To The Story*
I never wanted to be a missionary. Not even as a kid. Never. I'm a huge homebody, and about as shy as they come. Just those two reasons by themselves make a very compelling argument to NOT go on a mission. And I was always very glad to have been a girl, because that meant a mission was not my obligation. If the fancy suited me, sure, I could go. If not, I would be just as happy staying right here where I'm comfortable. And I'd always hoped I'd be married before I was 21, so a mission wouldn't even be something I'd need to worry about. I wouldn't even have to think about it. Fast forward to the October General Conference of this year, and something changed.
When I first heard about the change in age, it took my completely by surprise. As I'm sure it did for basically everyone. I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day. It was just, just crazy. I could not believe it. And then, after the shock wore off, I thought, "Huh." Now, that may not seem like much. A "Huh" is hardly basis for a huge, life changing decision. But that little "Huh" was just enough for me to think about a mission - something I never planned on doing.
Eventually, that "Huh" grew into a "Hmmm", which in turn grew into a "Maybe". At this point, I thought I'd better involve the Lord in my decision process. I prayed, I read my scriptures, I prayed, I prayed some more, I read my scriptures - you get the idea. Lots of studying. But I really didn't get much to encourage the "Maybe" into something more. I decided to fast, and ask my Dad for a blessing. I fasted, I got my blessing. I was really hoping in the blessing, the Lord would come right out and say YES or NO. Just like that. Unfortunately, things rarely work that way. What I did get, however, was a promise. In my blessing, I was told that I would get an answer, and that I would know what the Lord wanted me to do. I took that to mean, "Keep praying and reading those scriptures". Not the answer I wanted, but hey, it'd work.
Fast forward two weeks (in which time I continued praying and reading my scriptures - to no avail). I'm still in "Maybe" mode, trying to figure out what to do. It was a Sunday night. I was laying in bed, about ready to sleep, when I remembered I hadn't read my scriptures yet. It was late, I was tired. Instead of getting out my quad like I usually do, I settled for my iPod. I opened my scriptures app, scrolled to the Book of Mormon, and clicked. Instead of The Book of Mormon though, I got the Doctrine and Covenants. Slightly irritated, I went back, tried again, and ended up in Doctrine and Covenants again. Fine, I think to myself, Doctrine and Covenants it is. I scroll down to a random section (31, for those of you who were wondering - I almost went with 25, but decided to keep going). I happened to glance at the little section summary, and read, "Thomas B. Marsh is called to preach the gospel". How very odd, I thought to myself. Looking back, I think, What a dunce! It should have been immediately obvious to me what was happening. By the time I got to the third verse though, I got the message. It says, "Life up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation." And just in case I didn't get the message, verse 13 says, "Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen." You really can't mistake the meaning there. By now, the "Maybe" has grown into a full-blown "YES!"
So there you have it, friends. I am going on a mission. The papers are (almost) in, and I'm ready to go! Isn't it crazy, how the Lord works? He's got a plan. And this is part of His plan for me. Even though it's something I never wanted for myself, He knows more than I do, and I'm willing to trust in Him. So here we go!
Ah, November. The month of gratitude. Only a third the way through, and already I have read more than enough "grateful" posts on Facebook. But you know what? It's good. Even if I may be bored of reading them, I really am happy that people take this month to think about all the blessings they have, instead of focusing on everything they don't. It's a good reminder for all of us to remember our blessings and to express gratitude for them - and not only in November. I think sometimes we forget it's okay to be thankful for the rest of the year too.
And now I will hop off that soap box and onto another one.
Prayer. It is a big deal, my friends. And it is most definitely one of the greatest blessings in my life. I have really come to develop a strong testimony of the power of prayer. And along with that comes the knowledge that the Lord knows me, and He cares about me. I know that, because He answers my prayers. Always. The answer doesn't always come right when I want it (I think He's trying to teach me patience, in addition to a multitude of other good qualities I have yet to develop), but it comes.
I wasn't going to bore you with any examples from my life, but jokes on you! I'm totally going to bore you with an example from my life.
My first, really important experience with prayer happened when I was probably about 12. Give or take a year. I used to have a really hard time getting to sleep. I would go to bed nice and early, but if I didn't fall asleep within 15 or 30 minutes, I would start to stress. And then I really couldn't sleep. And then I would really stress. It was a vicious cycle, and it was really hard on me. It was just after the holidays, right before school was ready to start back up. I was suffering a little post-holiday depression, and I was stressing. Big time. It was miserable. I was laying in my bed, trying and trying to sleep, but it just wasn't coming. I prayed, I got up and read my scriptures, I talked to my parents - I did everything I could. But it didn't work. As the clock ticked on and on, my anxiety was building. I was tired, and I was scared. I didn't know what else to do. I got up, and said one more prayer. I prayed and prayed that I would be able to calm down and sleep. After my prayer, I got back into bed and closed my eyes, hoping that it would work. I could hear my mom playing the piano in the living room. I just lay there and listened. Then I recognized what she was playing. It was "Hum Your Favorite Hymn". I hadn't tried that yet, in fact, the idea hadn't even occurred to me. But I had nothing to lose. I decided to give it a go. The first hymn that came to mind was "The Spirit of God". I played the song in my mind, and immediately an immense peace just washed over me. It was an instant change, like turning on a light in a dark room. I felt peace, and comfort, and I knew that it would be okay. I know that Heavenly Father had heard my prayer, and He had answered it. It was an amazing experience. This isn't that big of deal. It wasn't life or death, it wasn't going to change the course of my life. But it mattered to me. When I was having a difficult trial - one that I couldn't deal with on my own - my prayer was answered.
Since then, I have had many other experiences with prayer, and each time, I have been brought closer to my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I know that they know me. And not only do they know me, they love me. Silly little me. Just one soul among billions that have lived and will live on this earth. Isn't that the most amazing thing? As insignificant, and unimportant as I am in the grand scheme of things, they still love me enough to listen to my prayers, and to guide and direct me. It's the most humbling thought.
Prayer has made all the difference in my life. It's a blessing I can never cease to be grateful for.
Poor little bloggy, being ignored again. However, the good news is (if there can indeed be good news in a case of an innocent blog being left to its own devices due to a lack of time on the writer's part) I have an excuse. A legitimate one. You see, my parents have been gone for the past week - they occasionally do that. Just go on vacation and leave us home, all on our lonesome. That being said, I have been a very busy bee. Very busy indeed. Their absence meant I got to play poor, exhausted, sleep-deprived college student/carpool driver/brand-spanking new Bennion Craft employee/long-time Gold's Gym employee/strict, rule following and implementing parent/fun sister. Quite a handful. Add to that the stress of doing homework, keeping the house clean, and maintaining the peace - yeah. Quite a week. And at the end of that week, I can look back and say, "Dang. I am glad I don't have to that all the time."
And I am glad I don't have to do that all the time. It was crazy. Seriously crazy. But even crazier is the fact that when my parents got home last night, I wasn't excited that they would be back to do dishes and remember to turn off the lights and lock the doors before bed. Though, yeah, I'm really happy about that too. The thing I was most excited about was being able to talk to them again. I mean, we had a few phone calls and stuff, but it isn't the same, you know? I was just happy they were back because they're my friends. I'm happy my Mom can carpool with me to Weber again, because we have some super fun conversations on our way to and from Ogden. I'm happy my Dad can quote King of Queens and do the Safety Dance with me.
This being November, I decided it would be appropriate to express my gratitude to my fantastic parents for everything they do for me, and how much I love them. They really are the best. And they are so much more than people to do the dishes and check the locks. They're, dare I say it, fun. Yeah. I have fun parents. And that is just about the coolest thing in the world. I totally don't mind spending a night at home, watching Megamind and playing nertz with my Mom and Dad. They are just that cool. And they're my friends. Cliche? Maybe. But true just the same. I tell them everything. Just as much as I tell my closest friends. I love that we have a relationship where it's okay to talk about things. I just love them. And I'm so happy they're back.
I am [OFFICIALLY] grateful for my parents.
PS - Here's a little sneak preview of what's to come ... Just because I think it's a fantastic idea, but it's not December yet, and it's killing me that I can't just write this post now.
The Classic Christmas Brag Letter. Supposedly, it's an update on the family. But we all know what it really is. A letter of bragging, detailing all the accomplishments and talents of the family, in a very extreme and might I say boastful fashion. You know the kind. Jimmy is all grown up and off at college, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and would you believe it, he's the captain of the tennis team! He's also started his own service organization that turns trash into scarves and mittens, which he delivers to the needy in our area. What a great kid! Sabrina is something of a musical prodigy. Only six years old, and she's already written her first symphony! She's also taken up horseback riding and knitting. Of course, she's a genius at both! Poopsie had a litter of beautiful healthy puppies, and we couldn't be happier! This year for Christmas we'll be taking a trip to a small, third world county, where we'll be doing charity work! We can't wait to leave! Make a note of the overuse of exclamation points. No one is this happy. Or perfect. Get real. And of course, this non-specific example is much shorter than a real one. Those babies blather on for pages.
When the Brag Letters start rolling in, me and my fam can't help but laugh at them. No offense. If you are brag letter people, that's fantastic. We are happy for you. But come on now! They're so funny! They make the families sound like peaches and cream, all day, all the time. And we all know it doesn't work that way. Me and my dad have always joked about writing a realistic brag letter. One that shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. Send that out to the neighbors and distant relatives, I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it. If not losing a little respect for you in the process. But this year I decided, what the heck! I'm going to write my very own Brag Letter. A real one. So I guess it's not so much a Brag Letter as a Real Letter. But Brag Letter is more fun to say, so we'll go with that.
I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!! I got a NEW JOB! New job!!! Do you sense the joy and excitement over here? It's pretty great. Gah! New job! A few weeks ago I picked up an application for Bennion Crafts, took it over a week later, and this week - Hey, wanna come over for an interview? You bet your bottom dollar I do! And I go in today for said interview, and they're like, Hey! Come work here! So I'm like, Yeah, okay! That's basically how it all went down! I'm freaking excited. Nervous? Psh, of course I am! Let's not forget who we're talking about here. I'm nervous about literally everything. But I am so excited! I go in next Thursday for all that paperwork and crap, and then it's official! I will be a Bennion Craft employee!
I have an un[OFFICIAL] new job!!!!!!
(If Mrs. Rathke saw all those superfluous exclamation points, she would freak. But I'm excited, so gosh darn it, I'm going to use as many exclamation points as I please!)
Dang! I am still so excited!
PS - Maddy and Alex, my buddies from high school, both work there so I get to work with them! I'm so excited. So. Excited!
PPS - I'm doing framing (scary, but Maddy and Alex both love it and I'm confident I will too! Gosh, I hope I love it) and cashiering (which will be a new experience, I'm sure). So yay for that! Yay for everything!
PPPS - I love crafts! And craft stores! This is literally perfect.
Dudes, it's here! It's started! This is an awkward time to post about this (because probably I should've posted the beginning of this month when the practices started, or the end of this month when the season technically starts and they play there first game), but whatevs. The Jazz are in full swing, so it is cool. Tonight I watched my first game of the season (... preseason. But let's not get all technical about it), and it was awesome. All that I had dreamed it would be. The Great Basketball Drought is over, at long last. And man, I tell ya, it felt like an eternity. But it's over, and I don't have to be sad anymore. Life is good.
So. Tonight. The Jazz played the Lakers. Again. Which seems weird to me. I guess maybe this is because I'm new to the sport, but I don't know, it seems odd that they would be playing the same teams multiple times in the preseason. Maybe they only play people in their conference, so that makes things weird. That's my guess, anyways. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Playing the Lakers. They won again. Makes me so proud. I just hate the Lakers. And my cute little Jazz team beat them twice! The Lakers really aren't playing hard, knowing these games count for nothing and all, but a win is a win, and I am pleased.
Reasons To Be Pleased
1. They won. Yeah baby!
2. I got to see Mr. Hayward in action. I love that man. (I'm sure we'll get an un[OFFICIALLY] In Love post starring him soon enough. Don't fret.)
3. I got to use my sweet nicknames (most of which were coined by my father and I), after waiting for almost forever. Which is a crying shame, because they really are good nicknames.
*A Short Glossary of Nicknames*
Gordon Hayward - Gordy, Gordyonion (it looks like Gordy onion, but it's pronounced Gordy-own-i-own. I had to use my imagination with the spelling there.)
Derrick Favors - D-Fav
Al Jefferson - Big Al, El Jeffe
Enes Kantor - Gigantor, Big E
Alec Burks - Burksy, The Burkster
Paul Millsap - Pauly M, The Sapster
Randy Foye - Atta Foye (cute little play on words there)
The rest are still waiting for their nicknames, but don't worry. They will come soon enough. I imagine you are thinking to yourself, "Huh. Does she really think I care about her nicknames for the Jazz players?" The answer to that would be no, but you should care, because they rock! But really, no. I'm quite certain you don't care. But I love them, and they need to be shared.
4. They won! (it made the list twice, because it's just that cool)
5. They beat the Lakers! This is different from 1 and 4, because it's not so much the win for the Jazz as the loss for the Lakers we're focusing on here.
So I guess the season hasn't technically started yet, but I'm just happy to watch my Jazz again (yes, I have repeatedly referred to them as mine. It's okay. I just love them that much).
That's your un[OFFICIAL] update on the Jazz. Woot woot!
My poor, poor little blog. I'm feeling rather guilty for not having posted anything for almost two weeks. I'm sure no one else noticed the absence, but I feel bad. Poor bloggy. All alone on the internet, not a friend in the world, without even a recent post to keep it company. Woe is my blog.
Now then. That's enough of that. On to bigger, happier things. I shall now proceed to give an update on all that has happened the past two weeks worth noting. Which isn't much. Hence the lack of blogging. But we shall try.
1. I Finished Les Miserables.
I did it, guys. I finally did it. It only took me four months, but who's counting, right? I am SO glad I just sucked it up and finished it. It was fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. New favorite book? I think yes. That should be a hint that this book really is great, because it's kicking my Jane Austen fav out of the Number One Position, and we all know how wonderful Jane Austen is. This book is a biggin. It's not an easy read. But man, it is worth every page, every sentence, and, dare I say it, every word. I almost want to read it again, like, right now. But I won't. That would be foolishness. I have other fish to fry.
2. I Rock At Fantasy Football.
I have a new love in my life. Its name is football. I don't even just tolerate or like it anymore. I freaking love it. Who woulda thought? I love sports. Saying those words still feels weird, but there you go. Now back to Fantasy Football. I love it. It is so much fun! My team is the Green Lantern Corps (yeah, be jealous. Be freaking jealous because that name ROCKS). My quarterback is Eli Manning. Who I love. Eli is my home fry (let it be known that a copyright for that phrase is in the works, so please, hands off. I know it's literary genius, but don't go stealing it). And I also have the Giants defense, which is great, because they're a pretty good defense, and also my FAVORITE team (I have a favorite team!). Except here's my dilemma. Well, actually there are two dilemmas. But this is the first. I have two defenses. The Giants and the 49ers. Both are good. But I keep playing the wrong defense. Without fail, the defense I put in does an okay job, but the defense on the bench kills it. We're talking a 20-25 point difference here. Which, for all you not-Fantasy Football players out there, is a HUGE problem. Second dilemma is the fact that I should be second rank overall, but I'm third. That bites.
3. The Jazz Season Is Starting.
Gah! I have been waiting for this for forever! I'm beyond excited. They've already played three preseason games (2-1, with a win against the Lakers! I know, I know, my dad keeps telling me that the preseason really doesn't mean anything, but still. I love when the Lakers lose. Especially to my Jazz. That's what's up, Kobe and Nash. That is what's up.) And only 16 days until the first game of the regular season! I got work off and everything! So while all you people go to your costume parties and watch your scary movies, I will be watching the Jazz game. Boom. So excited.
4. The Semester Is Almost Halfway Over.
I'm pretty excited for this semester to end. Not that I'm not liking my classes or anything. They're all going really well, and I actually kinda like them all. But when the semester ends, it will be December. And we all know what that means. Hello Christmas! And Les Mis! I can't quite decide which I'm more excited for ...
5. We Got An Xbox And Kinnect.
It's a blast guys. A blast. Except last Monday, I was a little over zealous with the Fruit Ninja, and I had super sore arms and back for the next two days. Pretty pathetic. But it's all good. I also got Project Gotham Racing 4 (the newest version of PGR, which was my favorite Xbox game until my dear brothers broke the Xbox and it was given to the DI) for ten bucks on Amazon. Including shipping. What a steal, right? I love good prices on Amazon. It's the best. And while I'm not quite up to par yet on my racing, it's starting to come back. Which is good, because that's basically the only game I'm good at. Also, we got a game called Kinnectimals. It's basically a Chia pet sort of game, except much much cooler and more technologically advanced. I have a lion. His name is Marco. He's quite dashing.
So yeah.
That's it for the un[OFFICIAL] update.
Oh PS: I cut my hair. I went for the fringe bangs. I'm not sure I like them yet. I think they'll take some getting used to. But I don't hate them, so that's a good start, right? I also went just a teeny bit darker and a teeny bit redder. Sort of chestnut-ish. That's the word my haircut lady used to describe it, so we'll go with that.
You guys. I found my meme. That meme that says, "Yeah. This is Anna." This is where the story takes a sad turn. Because memes are fun, right? Sure! They are oodles of fun! Except no. Not always. The meme that says, "Yeah. This is Anna." is the Socially Awkward Penguin. Yeah. It really is. Every single time I read one, I'm like, "No way! That is my exact life story!" You don't believe me, do you? It is very gracious of you to believe I am not extremely socially awkward, bless your heart, but it is the truth. And I will prove it to you now. Welcome to Anna's Life As Pictured By Memes.
Anna's Life As Pictured By Memes
Is it just me, or is that awkward as all get out? I never know how to react.
This really happens. And it's mega-awkward.
All but the beer. Of course.
Wait. There are people who don't do this?
I'm paranoid, so sue me.
You see? This is just ridiculous. Literally every single one applies to me.
I want a haircut. I need something different. I don't even know what. But something.
I'm NOT going short again. My hair grows way too slow for that nonsense. I mean, serious. Last time I went short-short, it was March of senior year. It's taken me a year and a freaking half to get my hair back to a length that feels longish. And my hair is for sure not even longish. It's just closer to longish than shortish. No way. The next time I get the fool hardy idea to chop it all off again, please, someone stop me.
So, what to do. What to do. Not going short really cuts down the options. It's not like you can cut your hair longer (well, extensions are a thing, but no, that's not going to happen). So pretty much we are left with color and bangs. And here's a secret: I kinda want to try fringe bangs. I think they're freaking cute. Abby has them, and I just love them. Copying my baby sister's hair? Yeah, that's low. But they're so cute! I can't help myself! This is sorta what I'm thinking, bangs-wise:
Kinda this-ish?
Or this-ish?
Here's the problem - I am a huge chicken. And what if I look ridiculous with fringe bangs? What if they drive me absolutely crazy, and I hate them with a deep burning passion? What if I decide I don't want them anymore? What if people think I have crazy person hair? Then again, what if they freaking rock? I don't know. I just can't commit one way or the other. One second I really want them and I decide to go for it, and the next I decide maybe keeping my hair just the way it already is, isn't such a bad way to go. Decisions decisions decisions. I am BAD at decisions.
Now, color. I want to go darker. Like, legitimately darker. Not black (good gracious, no). But really dark brown. And I actually like it with a little red in it. Like, just a teeny tiny smudgeon of red. Like, barely noticable. Like, "Wow! The color of your hair is super pretty! Is there some red in there? Just a little? It's a good color!" You know. Just a hint of red.
Does anyone have any ideas for my hair? Or an opinion on the fringe? I am seeking some guidance. I mean, I don't know if I'll take your advice or not. I tend to have a bit of contrary nature, so with advice is a little bit of a crap shoot. The short haircut of senior year is a prime example of this - they all told me, "Yeah, you can cut your hair, and it'll be cute, but you'll be hating it in like, a week." True story, friends. True story. Because people were like, "Oh, you'll end up being mad you did it," I was like, "You know? I'm cutting my hair. I'm chopping it all off. What now, foos?" I may or may not have lied about hating it (I would sooner die than admit they were all right), but man, I missed my long hair. Sorry, that wasn't a great, "Yeah! Give me advice!" pep talk. Eh, whatever. I still want opinions, if you're willing to share them.
I need an un[OFFICIAL] haircut.
... Except that it will be official, once it's done. What the heck is an unofficial haircut? There's not really any middle ground with a haircut - either you get one, or you don't. But in an effort to keep with the un[OFFICIAL] theme, we've got to take some liberties. So if things don't make sense, whatever. Just use your imagination or something. You'll figure it out.
I'm sure it's no surprise that we at the Young household are Y fans. I mean, really. It's in our name. And it goes without saying that last night was pretty rough. So now, if you will indulge me, I will go on a brief rant. As a warning, if you're a Ute fan, you might rather not read the rant. Just skip it.
*A Brief Rant*
I kind of hate the U. I think they're a bunch of idiots, and I kind of hate them. You may recall the blind date with Mr. Boy? The one that almost made me a hater? Yeah, forget the almost. I'm in the official University of Utah Sucks camp. They are scum. Not to mention dumb as dirt. Did you not see the hilarity that was the rushing of the field before the game was even over? Honestly? You people got kicked off the field TWICE! Once? That's embarrassing. I mean, I know I'd be embarrassed. But hey, we all make mistakes, and the game did look like it was over. I can forgive that. Twice? Oh gee. That is really embarrassing. And not only was the game not over, it didn't even look like it was over this time! The ball was still in play! The players were still running on the field! With the ball! What kind of idiots are you people? Good fetching grief! Someone mentioned to me the fact that the people couldn't see that the game was still going, that with all those people in front of them and with all that energy, well, it couldn't be helped. I'm sorry, does your stadium not come equipped with jumbo trons? I would've thought a big fancyPac 12 school would be able to afford those. Get real. If they'd been paying attention, they would've seen. I also mentioned that their stupid fans almost lost them the game, and you wouldn't believe the indignant comments I got in response. Like, how dare I say they almost lost them the game? Which they did, by the way. Because of their stupid fans, BYU got the ball back and had time for one more play. Had Riley Stephenson made that field goal there at the end, and had they gone into overtime, I think BYU would've had just as much a chance as the U at winning that thing. Anyways, Utes are stupid. Sorry, Utes. You're stupid. The end.
*Still Ranting*
Also, in case anyone was planning to throw the "Brigham Young founded the U" argument in my face (I'm not guessing you were, but just in case) - yeah, I know. But if he saw what it's become now, he'd be rolling over in his grave. I'm am beyond confident that he would totally approve of me supporting the school that's not only named in honor of him and all that he did for the church, but lives up to his standards as well.
Now that we've got that out of the way, we can return to a more civilized view of the game. What a relief.
It was a good game. There was not a dull moment, that's for sure. Both teams made mistakes, and BYU just made too many of them. In the end, that's what really cost them the game. It wasn't the missed field goal, it was all the little mistakes that added up to one big one. And Riley Nelson was just off. You could see it. The commentators mentioned his body language really said it all - he just looked defeated. And now, let's just take a moment to enjoy the glory that was that last quarter. Man, BYU played well that last quarter. If they'd played the first three like that last one, things would've been different. And that pass to Hoffman! Dang. That was a BEAUTIFUL pass. Just beautiful. I wish they'd won. And that's not me being a whiny sore loser, that's just me wishing they'd won it. The U won, and they played a good game. You really can't contest that. But to say that BYU didn't play well, and didn't have a chance of winning - well, that's just ignorant. But here we are. Utah won and BYU lost. It sucks, but that's the way of things. Let's just hope they can pull of a win next year before the two year break from the rivalry, or we will never hear the end of it.
In victory or defeat, I am un[OFFICIALLY] Cougar Blue.
Now, where can I get me one of those "Max Hall hates you, and so do I" t-shirts ...
PS - Please, if you do happen to be a U fan, don't be offended. That was not my aim. But you know how sometimes you need to vent about stuff? This was one of those times. And while I hate the U as a whole, there are individuals Ute fans that I happen to like quite a lot. And if you feel stereotyped ... well, sorry about that, but I still stand by it (they rushed the field twice before the game was over - I just don't think I can let that one go! It's, like, epitome of stupid!). So that's all. Don't be offended.
Remember how I started reading Les Mis, in like, June? For my book club? Yeah, still working on it. That thing is a beast! But it the most amazing book I've ever read. It's a book to change you. You know the kind. You can't read it and not come out a better person because of it. Not because it's going to totally change the way you look at the world, but because it's a really beautiful portrait of humanity. It shows the good, as well as the bad. The innocence and the corruption. It's really beautiful. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I know, it's huge. But reading it is worth every single page.
Since I've been reading it, I'm going through an All Things Les Mis Phase. I listen to the music practically 24/7. I am, in fact, listening to it right this exact moment. And when I'm not listening to it, the music is running through my head anyways. Oh my heck. Besides being the Most Beautiful Book Ever, they can also boast it's the Best Musical Ever. One Day More is most definitely my favorite song. All the parts, intertwined - pure musical genius. And the last song, the finale, it makes me cry. I'm not a crier, but I hear that song, and I get actual tears. And Stars is the best song sung by a villain ever. It's so beautiful. I love the music so much.
As great as the musical is (it really is great), it just can't really compare to the book as far as the story is concerned. The musical gets all the main points, but the book gives so much more. It shows how all the different characters are connected, which is so cool. *Spoiler Alert Right Here - If you're planning on reading the book, I don't want to mess it up for you.* For example, Marius (who I adore with all my whole soul because he's just adorable) has a connection to the Thenardiers. What? I know. It's madness. You see, his dad fought in the battle of Waterloo and was wounded. Meanwhile Thenardier was robbing the corpses, because he is the Scum Of The Earth. He wanders across Marius' dad, who's still living. So Marius' dad thinks Thenardier is saving him, when, in fact, he was trying to rob him. Another example. You all remember Gavroche? The precious little street urchin? I love that kid. He is the sweetest thing in the whole world. And he's the Thenardier's son. He ends up on the streets because his parents don't love him. Poor baby! And you recall the two little boys he calls "his kids" and takes care of? Well here's some news for you - those are actually his brothers. The Thenardier's sold them to a woman (one of Marius' grandfather's lovers) for 10 francs a month when her sons die (because if she still wants the child support from the old man, she has to have two sons). This lady gets arrested, so those two little boys are out on the streets. As luck would have it, Gavroche finds them and takes them in. He's the sweetest child that ever lived, and I love him. But you see what I'm saying, right? All these crazy connections between the characters? It's amazing. The book just has so much more than the musical. You all should really read it.
Also, THEY'RE MAKING A MOVIE! And it's coming out December 14th! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. PS - The movie has Hugh Jackman, and Russell Crowe, and Eddie Redmayne - The Love Of My Young Life (who was also in Tess of the d'Urbervilles, which is another piece of classic literature that everyone should read) in it. Can it possibly be bad? No! No it cannot!
Right? Right? Google more images of him. He's a babe. I would add more, but this is a long blog post as it is. I love this boy.
I love Les Mis. The musical, the music, the book, the characters, the story - all of it. Every single thing. I even drew Felix a cute little "Les Mis" themed bowl this time around. It's pretty dang awesome.
I am un[OFFICIALLY] obsessed with Les Miserables.
Watch the trailer.
Ahh! I just don't want to stop talking about how much I love it! I could just talk about it's greatness forever. For freaking ever. I could tell you about how much I love Marius (because he's a little bit of a goober, and stinking cute) and Gavroche (honestly, he's my favorite child in the whole world) and Enjolras (mostly because in the musical he sings like an angel and he's a fantastic person). I love Les Mis you guys! I can't make myself stop typing! Sorry! You can stop reading any time. But I'll probably keep typing because I LOVE LES MIS. It's ridiculous. Victor Hugo is my hero. He's so great. However, the sad news is I cannot name a son Victor after him. I just don't think I could name a child the name Victor, even though it's a fabulous name and I actually love it. I've met a few little girls at the daycare named Cosette. Maybe that's workable. I kind of love that name, and it's a lovely tribute to Les Mis.
A List Of Anna's Favorite Characters
Jean Valjean - Obviously. He's great. I love that he's human. He makes mistakes, but he's a good person. He started out good, but prison really hardened him and made him a criminal far more than stealing a loaf of bread did. But he changes! He realizes what's happened to him, and he resolves to become a good person. He makes the right choice, even when he knows it could send him back to prison. I love the writing, because it shows how hard it is sometimes for him to make the right choice - for example, when he goes to the court to testify that he is Jean Valjean, and not he poor sucker they caught. He finally decides to go, and he can't find a coach there, and then he finds one and it breaks down, and then he gets there late and they've already started the trial, but he goes anyways, and then he can't get in, but he tells them he's a mayor and they let him - I mean, there are so many times he could've said, "Well, I tried, I'm going home." But he keeps going! He is a great man.
Marius - He's kind of a goober, actually. But he's such a sweetie. And his back story is truly heart-breaking. His mom married his dad, and his grandpa never liked his son-in-law because he supported Napoleon and fought in the Napoleonic wars. So when his mom dies, he grandpa demands that his grandson live with him or he would cut him out of his inheritance. His dad gives him up, even though he loves him, so he can have a better future. His grandpa raises him to believe his dad is scum because of his background with Napoleon. Marius writes him twice a year (it said his letters might've been copied out of a book) and his dad always wrote back long letters for the son he loves, but his grandpa took the letters and threw them away so Marius never knew his dad loved him. He just thought he was a terrible person. His dad would even come watch Marius walking into church with his grandpa because he wasn't allowed to visit him. A priest would watch his dad, and he just sobbed behind a pillar, watching his little boy. When his dad was dying, he wrote a letter, requesting his son to visit. His grandpa gives permission, but Marius doesn't really want to go. He never loved his dad. By the time he gets there, it's too late. His dad has already died. He leaves him a note saying he loves his son and that he's now a Baron (a title given to him by Napoleon), and if he ever meets Thenardier to do all he can to help him. Marius doesn't really care, but he keeps the note. One day as he's walking to church, he meets the priest who knew his dad and watched him cry, and finds out from him that his dad really did love him. Marius is heart-broken. He idolizes his dad, gets kicked out by his grandfather, and searches for Thenardier to help him, since it was his father's dying wish. He even orders a bunch of cards, with his name, Baron Marius Pontmercy, printed on them. And watching him fall in love with Cosette is adorable. He is just adorable. I love him.
Gavroche - Even though he's just a little urchin, and his parents don't love him and he's lived on his own on the streets since he was very young, he's good. He is a good kid. He does what he has to do to survive, but he's always looking out for others. He shares what little he has with whoever is in need. I think it's amazing to see that coming from such a difficult background, and living such a difficult life, didn't ruin him. It shows the resilience of the human spirit. That you can be good, even when your life is hard. I love him for everything that he represents and all the good he does. Also, he's really funny. He's got such a cute little personality. And it's so sweet that he takes care of his two little brothers, without knowing they're his brothers, probably without even knowing he ever even had two little brothers. Isn't that sweet, and heart-breaking, all at the same time?
Eponine - Poor poor Eponine. She's madly in love with Marius, but he doesn't even see her there. He has eyes only for Cosette. And it's not that I don't like Cosette. It's impossible to begrudge her the love she shares with Marius, because she's really good too. And Marius and Cosette were made for each other. It's weird to think of either of them without the other. It's just so sad seeing Eponine, on the outside looking in, and wanting to be with Marius. It's awful.
You guys, you have to read Les Mis. You have to read it. It's the most beautiful thing ever written, a million percent serious. It's beautiful. It's such a rich story, and there is so much going on. You really come to know the characters and feel for them. It's not happy story, but it's wonderful all the same. Every single soul in the world should read this book.
You know where I should be right now? Colorado. Estes Park, Colorado. Every year (almost), my family heads out to Colorado the weekend after Labor Day for the Longs Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival. It is my second favorite part of the year (the first being the month of December). You see, my Grandpa Young is really big into military history, Scottish military history in particular. So he has a display - an immense display - about the Battle of Bannockburn. We all go the the Scottish Festival where Grandpa puts up the display and party for the weekend. It is so great.
This is my Grandad next to his display.
Allow me to elaborate.
First off, it's a Scottish festival. That just spells fun.
There are bagpipes. Playing all the time. That is the music of my heart. I love bagpipes. I guess some people don't really like the sound of bagpipes, but I've grown up with it, and I absolutely love them. With all my soul.
There are actual Scottish/Irish/British people there sometimes. They have ACCENTS! Super cool.
They have huge tents with tons of vendors and you can buy tons of cool Scottish stuff. They have the most beautiful cashmere scarfs. There's also TONS of plaid. Everywhere. You've gotta love plaid.
There's a cute little playground on the festival grounds, and it's freaking awesome. We spend lots of time there ... That's cool, because we are way too old to play at a playground. But it really is freaking awesome.
The actual city of Estes Park is probably the cutest place in the world. They have the most adorable little main street with a million cute little stores. And they have the BEST Christmas stores in the whole world. I freaking love it. The atmosphere is just amazing.
There's this restaurant, Poppy's. They have super delicious pizza and we go there every year, on Saturday night after the festival closes. It's so much fun, and one of my favorite Estes Park traditions. And right behind the restaurant, there's this cute little creek we like to chill by. It's gorgeous.
There's another little creek thing with a mill by it, and this little bridge. We play in the water a little bit. Like, walk along the rocks by the side of it, up and down the creek. It's super fun.
We watch movies every night in the tent where they put up the display. It's really cold, but it's really fun, and it's just part of the experience.
The weather is perfect. It's usually a little chilly, and little drizzly - like, basically my favorite weather in the world. It's not so fun for the boys in the tents, but we ladies stay in a hotel, so it's no biggie for us.
I get to spend the whole weekend with my family. I freaking love my family. They are the coolest. Especially my dear cousin Elisabeth. She is the bomb (people still say that, right?).
Food just tastes better when you're hungry and cold and cooking in the back of a tent. It really does.
We do a testimony meeting Sunday night, and it's always really special. At the end, we always sing Families Can Be Together Forever and everyone ends up sobbing. Then we all hug and cry and cry and hug. It's my favorite.
Monday we all go shopping around town since the festival is over. We buy ornaments and stuffed animals and key chains and jewelry - lots of fun stuff. It's the best.
You guys, I really want to be in Colorado right now. It kills me that I'm not there right now. Right this exact moment. It's amazing. And the BEST kick-off to fall in the whole world. It just sets the stage for the big build up to Christmas - it's like, Estes Park, fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, December, Christmas! Just like that. My year just isn't quite the same without it. It makes me sad. I'm sad.
And Estes Park really is my little home away from home. Not because I spend a ton of time there, but because it's a place that I really love. I have so many wonderful memories of Estes Park. It's like the home of my soul.
I am un[OFFICIALLY] homesick.
Look! It's the festival on Google Maps! Cool, right?
My most lovely Lizzie pointed this out to me.
Now I can share the joy of Estes Park with ALL of you!