
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Monday, December 3, 2012

Unofficial Procrastinator

Before you read this post, you have to promise you won't let it make you think less of me. Really. I want a verbal contract between you and me that says something along the lines of, "I (your name here), promise not think less of Anna because of this post." And I promise to keep telling you all the things about me that aren't quite so lovely. (You're on the losing end of this one, friend.)

Were there an award for being a Procrastinator Extraordinaire, it would be mine. All mine. You may think, "Well, Anna, surely you aren't the only one in the world who procrastinates. It simply isn't possible, that of all the people in the world, you are the absolute biggest procrastinator." Alas, such is not the case.

An example. This is the part where we should refer back to that opening paragraph. Don't think less of me. Here's the deal. I hate cleaning. Being lazy and a procrastinator is an awful combination of personality traits. I was lucky enough to come out with these two. And, to my chagrin, Emily shares them with me. Hence, we live in filth. Okay, well, not filth, exactly. Just ... kinda. It looks like a laundromat exploded in our room. There are clothes literally everywhere. On the bed, on the floor, on the chairs, on the little table - like, literally everywhere. This does not make me happy. But when I've got an occasional spare minute, I don't want to spend it cleaning. I want to watch an episode of Bones or blog or read. Not clean. And so, my room has been in this state basically since the start of the semester. Embarrassing.

Another example, to illustrate my point. In order to get an Associate degree from Weber, one must either take computer technology classes, or test out of them. Since I'm fairly competent at computer stuff, I decided to take the tests. I registered for them, as I would any other class, with every intention of getting them out of the way at the beginning of the semester. I took one in mid-September. And one just before Halloween. Which means I still have two left. One of them shouldn't be a problem, and I'm not overly worried. The other? The other is on Excel. The one program I really struggle with. So here I am. Blogging. Instead of studying for the blasted test. And they are both due on Friday. This Friday. Like, four days from now. And besides getting those two little cuties out of the way, I also need to write a paper (oops - make that three papers - one of Language and Culture and two for Psychology), take two exams, do three little assignments, and not allow the stress of working retail to make me suicidal. Oh, and experience vast amounts of anxiety about the mission call I'm expecting to come next week. This is a breeze.

It just kills me that I've had all semester to take these dumb tests, but just kept putting it off and putting it off. And now here we are at the end, and I am freakin' out. It's so so stupid! I should have just done it at the beginning, like I meant to. I should have known that the last week of the semester would be stressful, and the added pressure of those dumb computer tests would not make for a fun week. But no. I procrastinated. As per usual. 

Friends, procrastination is NOT good. Don't do it. You all know this, I'm sure. I'm mostly saying this for my own benefit. Of course, as many times as I say this, I'm pretty dang sure I'll still be procrastinating away, blogging and Pinteresting and Facebooking and reading and doing all manner of wasteful activities in avoidance of the important and stressful. NOT GOOD. Here's my advice - if you've got a big project or test or assignment (or whatever it may be), get it out of the way sooner rather than later. Seriously. You'll save yourself a whole ton of stress. Just do it, and be done with it. 

I am an un[OFFICIAL] procrastinator. And I'm not proud of it.