
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unofficially International

I'm not going to lie. One of my favorite things about blogging is looking at the stats. I don't know why, but I get such a thrill when I look at the pageviews and traffic and audience stats they provide. Maybe that's egotistical of me. Is it? It probably is. But that is beside the point. My very favorite is the audience tab. Because it shows where the people who look at your blog are from. And GUESS WHAT? I've gone international, guys. Yeah. So legit, right? And today, I finally got some pageviews from FRANCE! This has totally made my day. Also on my list of Cool Countries Who Have Looked At My Blog: Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom (cheerio!), Australia, Ireland, and Russia. Lots of Russia. I'm really not sure why that is. But whatever, if Russians want to check out my blog, that is totally cool with me.

Sorry about the brief bragging session (so sorry, that is not what I intended it to be, but what do you know, that's what it was anyways). I'm just ridiculously excited. France, guys! France!

I am un[OFFICIALLY] international!

PS - I reached 1000 pageviews today. Or perhaps it was yesterday. I can't quite recall. It seemed like a pretty momentous occasion. So it has been mentioned. Yay for that.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Unofficial Student

Starting in about 30 minutes, my summer vacation is over. Which makes me an unofficial student, since class doesn't really start until Monday. I swear, it was May, like, a week ago. Where the crap did my summer go? I didn't even do anything really summer worthy. Just to a paint a picture of my lame summer, the first tan line I really got was from last week. At DJ's football game. How pathetic is that? I go all summer, and don't spend enough time in the great outdoors to get a tan line until the end of August. I don't even know what happened this summer. It's so sad. 

So. School. Monday. Here we go, on to a new (and hopefully better) adventure that this summer's been. I'm actually a teeny tiny little bit excited. Which is completely foreign to me. I was never one of those kids who was ready for school to start again two weeks into summer. I was one of the kids that dreaded August and school like the black plague itself. I've never been excited for school before. And I'm sure by Monday morning the excitement will have been worn down by the anxiety and nerves to the usual dread that accompanies a first day of school. But for now, I'll just be a little excited. Let the the emotion work itself out of my system. I think what I'm most excited for is having purpose in my life again. This summer has been extra long since school ended right around the beginning of May. I've had four months to do not much of anything, and I guess I've actually gotten sick of it. I didn't think that would ever happen. I've found I'm really quite good at doing nothing. It's a special gift of mine. Who knew one could get sick of one's gift? So purpose will be good. A reason to get up in the morning and put myself together is always good.

This semester I'm taking Intro to Art (online, so hopefully it's a better experience than chemistry online - that was the single worst class of my entire life. Which is saying quite a lot, since it beat Mrs. Ferrin and Calc.), Intro to Psychology (this one should be interesting), Language and Culture (it's an anthropology class. And it sounds kind of fun, but I was looking through the books and they're a little daunting), and Intro to Music (I'm not sure what to think about this one. When I was telling my Grandpa my classes and I said this one, he said, "Well you don't need that. You know music." And I was like, "Yep, well, it's just a general class that I kinda have to take." But that man makes a valid point - I do know music. After taking piano lessons for over 10 years I really ought to know music. I hope this class doesn't bore me to tears, but I also hope it doesn't end up being super difficult. I guess of the two, I'd rather be bored). My classes are all really diverse because I'm finishing up my generals so I can (fingers crossed) get my Associate of Science at the end of this semester. I kind of like that I've got a good variety. It should keep things interesting at least.

Starting now, I'm an un[OFFICIAL] student.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unofficially Awkward

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. Ready? First, swear on your life you will never tell anyone EVER what I am about to tell you. Swear it. Okay. Here it is. I, Anna Young, am an awkward soul. Yes. It's true. I know, I know. I hide it well. But it's the truth, honest to goodness. My life is just awkward. You can ask anyone who knows me well, and they will agree.

That is why I have created a sister blog to un[OFFICIAL], with the help of my friend Bree. It is a blog dedicated to the sharing of awkward stories. Because everyone loves a good awkward story (so long as it doesn't directly involve them). Since I have a plethora of awkward going on, we decided to share the joy. And it's an extra fun blog, because me and Bree will be writing it together! Cute, right? So we get fun awkward stories from Layton/Ogden and fun awkward stories from Provo! Look at the diversity. Pretty great. It's a brand-new little blog, so there isn't a whole lot going on just yet, but it'll be up and running soon!

So, if you find yourself in need of a good laugh, go on over and give it a looksy! You will find it at: You may have noticed I set up a link in the little side bar. So, there we go!

I am un[OFFICIALLY] awkward

PS - There's already a pretty awesome awkward story up (well, I think it's pretty good ... but I'm biased) on the other blog. And I would have put it on here, but I didn't want to reblog the same thing. So go read it. Or something. I don't know. I mean, if you don't want to read, don't read it. But you'll be missing out. Or not. Whatever. Do whatever your heart desires. That is all.

PPS - Annlie and Megan are also in on the party. So YAY for that!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Unofficially Quitting

I've got a problem. And it's name is Anna Works In The Daycare At Gold's Gym. Honestly. I've worked there for over two years, and enough is enough.

It's not that I don't like the job. I actually love my job. I love the kids (most of them), I love the girls I work with (some of them), I love the free membership (nope). But I can't do it any more. You see, here's the thing. Even though I really like most of the girls I work with, I've gotta say, responsibility just isn't there thing.

For example. Friday nights just me and one other girl work. Last Friday, this girl spent a good hour (though not all at one time) of the three we work for in the little NutriMart across from the daycare, flirting wth the boy who works over there. Very helpful. What makes people think it's okay for them to do that during work? When they're on the clock? No! That's not okay! And when she was in the daycare, she was sitting against the wall, ignoring children, and playing with her phone. Honestly. Not okay.

Another example. Saturday mornings, there are five of us that work, and every other week our manager comes in and works. This last Saturday? There were three of us. Including the manager. And the other girl that was working wasn't even scheduled for Saturdays, she was covering a shift. Where were the other girls? One wrote she needed it off on the calendar, didn't get it covered, and just decided not to show up. The other two? They just called in. Didn't give an excuse. One of them skips almost every Saturday because she doesn't like working with our manager because our manager called her out for being lazy and doing and doing nothing at work (which is totally accurate, by the way). Not coming and getting in trouble for that is helping her how ...? I don't understand that. And the other one has been late or not showing up a lot recently, and told me just last week she was going to redeem herself to our manager by being there and being on time all the time. She's off to a great start. And tonight she was supposed to work too. She was over an hour late. Cool.

I honestly can't do it anymore. I am the only one that I know will be there every shift I work. It's ridiculous! And I'm having to pick up the slack for these lazy girls I work with who don't give a crap about being at work and doing their job. I'm doing twice the work, and getting paid a pittance. I just can't do it. I'm sick and tired of being one of two or three responsible people working there. And even if the other girls are there, half the time they aren't doing anything productive. I get that their just high school girls who don't really care. But if they don't care, they need to quit or they need to be fired. It just isn't fair to the rest of us.

So that's it. I am un[OFFICIALLY] quitting. Just as soon as I can find myself a new job.

So if anyone happens to hear of somewhere hiring in the Layton area, let me know. For reals.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Unofficial Wreck

My friends, I am a nervous wreck. School starts in less than two weeks, and I am already a wreck. I am such a worrier. I just worry about everything. School is no exception. In fact, it's one of the things I worry about the most. Will I be able to find my classes? What if the professor calls on me? I don't know anything, so if he calls on me, I'm afraid he'll be deeply disappointed. How hard is this class going to be? What if I can't find a seat? Am I going to have to talk to people? I really don't like talking to people. Please don't require us to prepare and present projects. I will throw up. I swear, I will. This is the continuous monologue of my mind on Day 1 of school. And all the days following, right up until the last day of classes. Pathetic, right? It is, it's okay. Go ahead and say it. "You are lame, Anna. Lame." I've accepted it, so it's all good. Except when it's not, because I will still worry 24/7.

If I'm freaking out this much before school even starts, I wonder what's going to happen when I'm actually at school. I'm guessing we'll get some nausea and increased heart rate. Possibly fever. Who knows? It's a crap shoot - anything could happen.

I just don't handle change very well. I am a creature of habit if there ever was one. I get into my schedule, and I do not vary. At all. For example, I take the same route to my classes each day, I sit in the same seat, I use the same pen, I use the same bathroom, I use the same testing center -  I mean, it's gotten a little out of hand. One time there was some constructiony stuff messing up my route to my Intro to Fiction class, and I just about flipped. Really. And when someone sits in my spot - ugh. There is nothing I hate more than a vicious seat stealer (of course they're vicious. Why else would they decide to sit in someone else's seat halfway through the semester! That is just malicious. I don't know what kind of creep would do that). It freaks me out. And then I'm freaking out about whether I'm sitting in someone else's seat, because I don't want to be that seat stealer everyone hates, even though I'm only doing it out of necessity. And I only use the testing center at the Marriot Allied Health building, because that's the only one I've ever used. A friend told me that there's a very nice testing center in the Social Sciences building, but I've never seen it because I use the Marriot Allied Health testing center. Which is a good 10 minute walk up the side of a mountain from the Institute building where I chill. And the Social Sciences building is about 2 minutes away. Like, across the street and that's it. I don't know what I'm going to do this semester since I don't have any classes up at the Marriot Allied Health building. I guess I'm going to have to find a new testing center. Even thinking about that makes me feel a little sick. You see? I really am a mess.

I am an un[OFFICIAL] wreck.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Unofficially in Love: Nathan Adrian

We've all got our celebrity crushes. This is nothing new. And since the Olympics have come and gone, I'm sure we've all got our Olympian crushes as well. Tom Daley, anyone? I must admit, he's really really cute. And has fantastic teeth for a Brit, so kudos for that. Michael Phelps? Hello, Mr. Record Setting Swimmer Man, who also happens to be really attractive. Funny how that happens. And of course we can't forget Ryan Lochte. But I gotta say, I'm not all that wowed by him. I just don't get it. I guess he's cute, but really? Not cute enough for the hysteria that's been plaguing Pinterest.

These guys are all super cute (with the exception of Lochte), but my own Olympic crush leaves them far behind. Say hello to Nathan Adrian.

Adorable, right?
Is he not cute? Good grief. Look at that smile! And his hair. I really really like his hair. Also, he swims. That's cool. However, I think I like him most because he looks real. Like, human. I realize this makes about zero sense, because yes, he is in fact human. But think about it - Michael Phelps just isn't human. He's like some sort of crazy alien-human hybrid that swims like a maniac. And Lochte just seems so cocky. Ugh. Like he really thinks he's all that and a big bag of chips (haven't heard that in a while, have ya?). So not into that. And Tom Daley? Let's be real about this - he could possibly be gay. But Nathan Adrian. Just look at that picture again. He's so dang cute, and he just looks genuine and human. And I really like that he's just cute. I mean, looking at that picture, I think cute. Not hot, but cute. I like that. I don't know if that explanation did anything to help, but whatever. I tried.

Okay, watch this. If you haven't already. Or watch it again! That's cool too! In case you were wondering, Nathan Adrian shows up right around 1:47. Give or take a few milliseconds. Ish. He's such a goob! It's really quite endearing.

And if you happen to want to know a little more about him, check out these sites. (You really should check out these sites, because they explain his greatness much better than I do.) (Really, read this one. It talks about way more than his overall cuteness factor - it talks about his equally lovable personality. You really should read it. I am serious. READ IT.)
Read that, and tell me he isn't adorable. You will be converted to Team Nathan Adrian, I guarantee it.

A comparison of Nathan Adrian and Finnick Odair. What's not to love?

I am un[OFFICIALLY] in love with Nathan Adrian.

How about that smile?
And I am not hating the six pack either.
And good news! He'll be competing the the Rio games, so we can plan on seeing him in four years! Woot woot!

PS- While we're on the subject of the Olympics (kind of), let's all agree that those closing ceremonies were bizarre. There's just no other word for it. Bizarre. I didn't see the opening ceremonies because I was busy having fun in Bear Lake, but I had no excuse for tonight. So I watched them. And they were SUPER weird.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Unofficial Dreams

Yesterday was my birthday. And it was super fun. I went shopping with my Mummy and my Emily and my Abby. And my Daddy and my James (Will was working). And then we made little pizzas and watched Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Classic. For all the whining and complaining from the younger three, they were glued to the movie. Of course. I knew they would, because that movie rocks. All this has nothing to do with my dream, but we're getting there. Be patient.

In between picking up Will from work and running to Sam's Club for groceries and a little free sample action, we stopped by the America First branch at CAL Ranch. After we did bank stuff, we decided to take a little looksy at the baby chicks at the back of the store. And they were freaking adorable. Oh my gosh. So cute. Little puffs of feather and squeaking. I mean, honestly. They were impossible not to love. I imagine right about now you're thinking, Chicks? Oh wait. Is that what - Is this your dream? A chick? You really want a pet chicken. Wow. I'm going to stop reading now. You are correct, reader (assuming you are still reading). A chicken is my new dream. Unofficially. Because, seriously, if a chick was my official dream - just no. That's a lame official dream. Official dreams are becoming a doctor and making a million dollars and supplying a small third world country with enough peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to feed all the people for the rest of their lives. A chicken? No.

But yeah, it's unofficial. I want a chicken. Apparently they're quite lovable, and you can actually have relationships with them like you can with dogs. They will respond to the sound of your voice and cuddle with you. Who knew, right? Throw in the free eggs and BOOM! You've got a deal! Even Mom's on board with this one. The only one who still needs convincing (and a LOT of convincing at that) is Dad. He says their gross. Obviously he has never seen a chick before, because they are lovable and precious.

Cute, right? Honestly. I love them.

Abby and I have been doing a little chicken research, because that's what it's going to take to convince Dad this is a good idea. Because it is a very good idea. Look at us, learning responsibility, taking care of chickens, saving money on eggs, nurturing lasting friendships - these are all good things.

I even have my chick (oops, just kidding. We don't get our own chicks. *cough we kinda do cough* I'm figuring Will and James will be interested for about two hours, and then they're basically back to me and Abs) all planned out. I want a Golden Laced Wyandotte, and I want to name her Gotham. Because they're black and gold. Get it? Like Batman? Gotham City? I love it. Mom shot it down pretty quick though. Apparently she doesn't want to "name them anything dark". Whatever that means. Batman is a beautiful story about rising above one's circumstances and taking care of those who are in need of your help. Sure, there are some villains. Sure, there are some plans for hostile take over. But it's a good story! It's okay though. I've got a back-up name in place. Bernadette. A good name for a chicken.

Aren't they precious? And that one on the left would make a very good Gotham.
I guess the one on the right looks like a Bernadette though, so it's okay.

So this is my un[OFFICIAL] dream - to own a chicken.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Unofficial Obsessions: Nail Polish

I have a problem. It's called a deep love of nail polish. It's surprisingly crippling, actually. I don't even want to think about how money I've spent on nail polish over my short 18 years of life. I keep buying nail polish I don't need because, let's be honest, no one NEEDS nail polish. It's quite useless. But alas, I love it. And I buy it en masse.

A lady I work with sells Avon. She gave me one of those catalogues to look through the other day, and I was like, "Yeah, sure, I'd love to look through your catalogue!" But inside I'm really thinking, "Yeah, I am not buying any of this crap." I am such a sucker. One week and 30 bucks later, I've got four tubes of lip gloss and six nail polishes in a little baggie that says Avon stuck in my purse. Sucker. I do the same thing at Walmart. I go to that nail polish aisle, and there are those ones that are only two bucks each, and I just can't help myself. It's pathetic.

I now have a box of over 50 different colors of nail polish sitting in the cabinet under my TV. Organized according to color, of course. And I have most every color I could possibly need. I only have one orange and one yellow, but I have at least three of every other color. And pink - whoa. Don't even get me started on all those pinks. I must have 20 different shades of pink. It's ridiculous.

And since I have oodles of nail polish, I now paint my nails once or twice a week. Just for fun. I throw a blanket on the floor, pop in a movie (this week I watched The Fellowship of the Ring and Sleepless in Seattle), and paint my nails. Even though I do my nails a lot, there still isn't a whole lot I can do. I pretty much stick to the basic one color. Occasionally I do leopard print, but that hasn't been perfected yet. I'm still working on it. Which is okay, because my nail painting movie watching pow wows are pretty fun. Because I love movies. And nail polish. I really love nail polish.

I have an un[OFFICIAL] obsession with nail polish. And it should probably stop.

One day, in a fit of boredom, I indexed my nail polish. Look at all of them.
And I've bought more since. You can see how ridiculous this is, right? It's ridiculous.