Starting in about 30 minutes, my summer vacation is over. Which makes me an unofficial student, since class doesn't really start until Monday. I swear, it was May, like, a week ago. Where the crap did my summer go? I didn't even do anything really summer worthy. Just to a paint a picture of my lame summer, the first tan line I really got was from last week. At DJ's football game. How pathetic is that? I go all summer, and don't spend enough time in the great outdoors to get a tan line until the end of August. I don't even know what happened this summer. It's so sad.
So. School. Monday. Here we go, on to a new (and hopefully better) adventure that this summer's been. I'm actually a teeny tiny little bit excited. Which is completely foreign to me. I was never one of those kids who was ready for school to start again two weeks into summer. I was one of the kids that dreaded August and school like the black plague itself. I've never been excited for school before. And I'm sure by Monday morning the excitement will have been worn down by the anxiety and nerves to the usual dread that accompanies a first day of school. But for now, I'll just be a little excited. Let the the emotion work itself out of my system. I think what I'm most excited for is having purpose in my life again. This summer has been extra long since school ended right around the beginning of May. I've had four months to do not much of anything, and I guess I've actually gotten sick of it. I didn't think that would ever happen. I've found I'm really quite good at doing nothing. It's a special gift of mine. Who knew one could get sick of one's gift? So purpose will be good. A reason to get up in the morning and put myself together is always good.
This semester I'm taking Intro to Art (online, so hopefully it's a better experience than chemistry online - that was the single worst class of my entire life. Which is saying quite a lot, since it beat Mrs. Ferrin and Calc.), Intro to Psychology (this one should be interesting), Language and Culture (it's an anthropology class. And it sounds kind of fun, but I was looking through the books and they're a little daunting), and Intro to Music (I'm not sure what to think about this one. When I was telling my Grandpa my classes and I said this one, he said, "Well you don't need that. You know music." And I was like, "Yep, well, it's just a general class that I kinda have to take." But that man makes a valid point - I do know music. After taking piano lessons for over 10 years I really ought to know music. I hope this class doesn't bore me to tears, but I also hope it doesn't end up being super difficult. I guess of the two, I'd rather be bored). My classes are all really diverse because I'm finishing up my generals so I can (fingers crossed) get my Associate of Science at the end of this semester. I kind of like that I've got a good variety. It should keep things interesting at least.
Starting now, I'm an un[OFFICIAL] student.
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