
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Unofficial Final Post

Well, this is it, guys! I'm headed out tomorrow! Tomorrow! Would you believe that? It is so crazy! And I'm strangely excited! Knowing me, that is quite unusual. I'd have thought I'd be a nervous wreck, reduced to tears by the mere mention of leaving. And yet, here we are! Possibly that will still happen tomorrow, but as of right now, I'm feeling pretty dang good!

Just so you're all in the know, my mother has graciously offered to keep the blog up for me (it was a while ago, but I believe the offer still stands ... Hopefully it does, or this will have gotten really awkward), so don't fret! I will make sure you're all kept well informed of my whereabouts and wanderings! I'm guessing (emphasis on the guessing part, because let's get real - I've got no idea what's going to be happening in a couple days when I'm outta here) I'll be updating the blog once a monthish? I'm not sure. But we'll see what happens!

I kinda still can't believe I'm leaving. It will probably sink in tomorrow on the drive down to the MTC. It's just the craziest! So crazy. It is so crazy.

This is my un[OFFICIAL] final post! Gah!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Unofficial Goodbye

Well, this is it, guys. The big goodbye. But we had a good run, didn't we? We had some good times. And I will never forget the time we spent together, and the joy you brought to my life. Farewell, Camilla and Bellatrix. May you find joy in Oakley. And may you not meet untimely deaths at the hands of feral ranch dogs. That would be a tragedy.

Yep. It's true. The chickies have to go. And we love them dearly (... well ... Mom and Abby love them ...), but they're just too noisy. And disgusting. Here's your disgusting story of the day.

This morning I was taking Trixie out of the garage and putting her in the coop. They're always a bit nervous when they're being held (understandable), and they're always a bit antsy to be down on the ground again. So I'm carrying Trix, I open the gate to the coop, and she flaps right out of my arms. And a little egg drops to the ground and bounces on the dirt. Yes. She laid an egg on me. I have had a fetching egg laid right in my arms. I'm sorry, NO. Fetching disgusting. So I just stood there, staring at it. I didn't want to pick it up, because it was covered in goo, and it would be warm, and that is simply not okay with me. But apparently Millie and Trixie found it pretty interesting because they started pecking at it. I shooed them away, but I still didn't want to pick it up. So they started pecking again. Finally, I gathered all the courage I could muster and picked up the wet, slimy, warm egg. Gross. It was so gross.

And for that reason alone, I'm really not that sad to see the ladies (as I have lovingly called them) head north to Idaho. Annlie was right. Dangit, she's always right! She told me. She warned me that I would love them as chicks, and then come to detest them as adult chickies. She was right. You're right, Annlie! Enjoy your moment!

You know, I was imagining the post would be a bit more heartwarming and tender. It's kind of sad that my goodbye post for the chickens I wanted so badly (see Unofficial Dreams, August of 2012) has turned to this. Eh, what the heck. It is what it is.

So this is the un[OFFICIAL] goodbye.

*Brief Explanation*
The chickies will be heading to Oakley with my Aunt Heidi and Uncle Steve (who own a ranch) after my farewell. Apparently we have visitation rights (though I'm not expecting my chickies will still be squawking in a year and a half when I get home ... I wasn't kidding about those feral ranch dogs).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Unofficial Mission Fest

My life is a Mission Fest right now. Like, everything I do is about mission stuff. It's awesome, but at the same time, it is freaking me out in a big way. Still. It's mostly awesome.

Yesterday my bestie since before kindergarten opened her mission call (San Jose California, English speaking, leaves June 12)! It was so exciting! I think it's amazing that my little friend group from high school, the four of us, will all be going on missions and out at the same time! It's just so crazy! A couple of years ago, heck, even six months ago, this would never have seemed a possibility. And now here we are! I just can't quite wrap my head around it!

Today I met up with a couple of girls going to the same mission as me for lunch, and it was so much fun! It was really nice being able to talk to other girls who are in the exact situation as me. It's like, I can talk about getting ready with my family, and even my friends who are also preparing for missions, but talking to girls going to Poland was so fun! It made me really excited to get out there! Which is good, because I'm leaving in a week and a half. Holy hannah! That is so soon!!!

My life is an un[OFFICIAL] Mission Fest!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unofficial Success

And another Single Awareness Day goes down in the books. For the 19th year running, I have had a successful year. I am single, and I am aware. You can't break a streak like this one!

It seems the Universe is dead set on convincing me I'm single. Which is unnecessary, because I totally know I'm single. For some reason, it's not getting that. 

Example 1
So a couple weekends ago, Lizzie and I had the pleasure of partying, and no party is complete without chocolate. Am I right, am I right? So we bought some Dove chocolates. You know, the ones with the corny/inspiring sentiments on the wrappers. It being near Valentine's Day, they had the heart shaped ones out. Naturally, we bought that kind. Chocolate is good, but heart shaped chocolate is even better. Everyone knows that. So here we are, with our chocolate, chilling in my room, listening to 1D and chatting. I open one of my chocolates and read the wrapper, expecting something beautiful. It says, and I quote, "Be your own Valentine." Wow. Thanks for that. I mean, what do you even say to that? I know I'm single, no need to go rubbing my face in it. Lizzie also got one that said, "Chocolate will always be your Valentine." Honestly? Who is in charge of this marketing campaign? Fire them! Either that or give them a raise. Because actually, those messages are a little depressing, and inspired me to drown my sorrows in more chocolate.

Example 2
Emily and I were watching The Bachelor on Hulu (I know, it's ranked on the list of dumbest television shows ever created, but it's also awesome). During the commercials, we kept getting eHarmony ads. Like they're trying to tell us, "Hey! You're watching The Bachelor! You're obviously single! Allow us to help you out, there!" No thanks, eHarmony. And what is it to you if I watch The Bachelor?

I'm not complaining. Really, I'm not. I don't even want to be in a relationship at this point. Which is why all these singleness reminders seem a bit ridiculous. So listen up, Universe. I'm going on a mission. In less than two weeks. I know I'm single, and that's the way I want it.

And in light of that, it's another un[OFFICIAL] success!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unofficial Soul Sistah

I would like to dedicate this post to Lizzie. My Soul Sistah. I'm just glad I've got a cousin who knows I'm a total knucklehead and still hangs out with me. Isn't that fabulous? I think it's fabulous.

Yesterday we had an Anna Lin and Lizzie Anne day. It was magnificent. Because when we're together, it's ALWAYS magnificent! Why? Why is it so magnificent? Maybe because we're the coolest people in the world! And also, for the following reasons.

Reason 1
We are hilarious. Honest to goodness. I don't know why more people don't think we're funny! Basically every word that comes out of our mouth is comedic gold (the other words are pure poetry, and should be written into a book or something). We are just funny. And it's very nice having someone to be funny with, you know?

Reason 2
Shared interests. All things that are amazing, we both love (i.e. food, One Direction, the UK, Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, clothes, music, Sherlock, One Direction, Bath and Body Works, One Direction, food ... you can see where this is going). And all things that are lame, we both hate (i.e. Taylor Swift - we did NOT appreciate that little stunt she pulled at the Grammys. Really, Taylor? Really?, Justin Bieber ... Uh, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it presently). When you have that much in common, it's hard NOT to be Soul Sistahs.

Reason 3
We quote things NON STOP. Which is great, by the way. We have conversations very nearly made up entirely of quotes. And we use the same obscure quotes that nobody else gets, so that just makes it even better. It drives me crazy when I use a great quote (that's totally applicable to the situation) and nobody gets it! I'm always like, "Dang! If Lizzie were here, she'd get it!"

Reason 4
We both like to write and read. Which is convenient, because I write things and she reads them, and then she writes things, and I read them. "It's like all the things!" (See? That's one of those obscure quotes I know she'll get) I totes love it.

Reason 5
We share a shnazzy vocabulary. Need I say more?

So Lizzie, my un[OFFICIAL] Soul Sistah, keep it real. I'm going to miss you oodles!