
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unofficial Soul Sistah

I would like to dedicate this post to Lizzie. My Soul Sistah. I'm just glad I've got a cousin who knows I'm a total knucklehead and still hangs out with me. Isn't that fabulous? I think it's fabulous.

Yesterday we had an Anna Lin and Lizzie Anne day. It was magnificent. Because when we're together, it's ALWAYS magnificent! Why? Why is it so magnificent? Maybe because we're the coolest people in the world! And also, for the following reasons.

Reason 1
We are hilarious. Honest to goodness. I don't know why more people don't think we're funny! Basically every word that comes out of our mouth is comedic gold (the other words are pure poetry, and should be written into a book or something). We are just funny. And it's very nice having someone to be funny with, you know?

Reason 2
Shared interests. All things that are amazing, we both love (i.e. food, One Direction, the UK, Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, clothes, music, Sherlock, One Direction, Bath and Body Works, One Direction, food ... you can see where this is going). And all things that are lame, we both hate (i.e. Taylor Swift - we did NOT appreciate that little stunt she pulled at the Grammys. Really, Taylor? Really?, Justin Bieber ... Uh, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it presently). When you have that much in common, it's hard NOT to be Soul Sistahs.

Reason 3
We quote things NON STOP. Which is great, by the way. We have conversations very nearly made up entirely of quotes. And we use the same obscure quotes that nobody else gets, so that just makes it even better. It drives me crazy when I use a great quote (that's totally applicable to the situation) and nobody gets it! I'm always like, "Dang! If Lizzie were here, she'd get it!"

Reason 4
We both like to write and read. Which is convenient, because I write things and she reads them, and then she writes things, and I read them. "It's like all the things!" (See? That's one of those obscure quotes I know she'll get) I totes love it.

Reason 5
We share a shnazzy vocabulary. Need I say more?

So Lizzie, my un[OFFICIAL] Soul Sistah, keep it real. I'm going to miss you oodles!