Title: Unofficial Survivor
The first post - I love it here. I really do. The MTC is awesome! So be excited, prospective missionaries! I'll write a "What To Know About The MTC" post in a week or two, once I've got the hang of it. But for now, don't even worry. It's really okay.
Would you like to hear a secret? I'm happy. So incredibly happy. Which is honestly so surprising to me! I really thought that I'd struggle being here, but such is not the case! It is so wonderful here! Honestly, if the MTC had my family and friends, snacking, naps, and One Direction, I couldn't ask for anything more! I would be living the dream, friends.
Polish is a beast. I love it SO much, but it really fetching (sorry - not a missionary word - please forgive me) hard. Here's your little taste of Polish - Ja jestem Siostra Young. Ja jestem misionarkam Kosciol Jezusa Christusa Swientich w Dniach Ostatnich. I know you can't pronounce that (what's google translate for, right?), but it means, "I am Sister Young. I am a missionary of the Church of Jesus Crhist of Latter-day Saitns." I can also pray in Polish! Supes cray cray, yeah?" I mean, the prayer is pretty basic, but still!
Thanks SO much for the letters! Annlie and Lizzie - PROPS. You get the points because you're darn sexy (eh, eh?). As a special note - if you want to write me (PLEASE WRITE ME MAIL IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!), use DearElder.com. It is the best thing ever because you email them and they print out a hard copy for me to keep that I can get any time during the week - emails get read on Mondays. So there's that for you.
My district is BEYOND amazing. I love them all so much! They really are the best. We have six sisters and six elders learning Polish. Fun fact - two of our elders are actually heading to Leeds, England Polish speaking. Weird, right?
Anyways. I just wanted to let you all know that I have survived - and that the MTC is awesome - and that I love mail (cough cough send me mail cough).
I am an un[OFFICIAL] survivor! Yay!
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