Unofficial Tour Guide
Hello little ducklings! I offer an early welcome to you from the MTC! Before we begin our tour, a word. Don't worry. Really. This place is fabulous. And now - on to the tour! Fun, yes?
It's crowded. Just know that coming in. It makes things a little easier. There are people EVERYWHERE. Accept it - love it. If I can survive here, you know anyone can!
There are three places you will spend the majority of your time. The first is your residency. Which is MTC-Speak for bedroom. I don't know it needs a fancy name, but there ya go. It's a small room packed with three bunkbeds, two desks, and two dressers. It's snug. EXTREMELY snug. But really fun. In my limited experience. The second place is the cafeteria. It's crowded and loud and big and smells an awful lot like food. For obvious reasons. And while we're on the subject - food. It's okay. Not digusting, not amazing, Okay. And edible, so that's a plus. However, Fridays and Wednesdays they have ice cream from the BYU creamery. And that is good stuff. Mmmmmmmmm boy. The last place is your classroom. That's where you'll spend, like, 88.5754% of your time. Now, depending on your mission, this place will either be nice or super ghetto. Good news Annlie - it would appear English speaking missions get all the lovin' here. Your classroom is, like, three times as big as ours, and has nice paint on the walls, and pictures, and even a white board! Our Polish classroom is more of a glorified closet. And it's got a chalkboard. Yeah. Ghetto to the max.
There are a few things you should bring with you to the MTC besides all the obvious stuff. Bring a lanyard. I've got one, and it is SO nice. You can stick your little card and key on it, and you are good to go. Bring a robe. They're very handy when walking from the bathroom and showers to your room ... Basically, that's all I can think of. Sorry, not uber helpful.
But my BIGGEST advice - don't worry. Honestly. I was quite nervous about the MTC experience, and honestly, it's nothing to worry about. It's nice. Everyone here is nice, and life is good. So don't fret!
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