I fear the title may give the wrong impression. I'm talking about being a slacker as a blogger, not a missionary. I'm not just chilling in my apartment, counting down the days to coming home. I'm a pretty dilligent little soul. I just didn't want people to think, "Wow. Unofficial Slacker. What a lame missionary." Such is not the case. I'm just bad at blogging. Anyways. As you were.
I would first like to apologize for not being a more diligent and faithful blogger. It's just hard to be a blogger AND a missionary, as it turns out. There's a lot to do, and a lot of people to talk to, and before you know it - BOOM! Your time is gone! So. Apologies.
And now. Wow. I don't even know what to say, because there's so much I could say, and I've said a lot already to other people and I can't remember who's been told what, or what's even something people would find interesting, and here we are! Sorry, I know. I should just say something interesting and that would be good. But instead I'm talking about how I have nothing interesting to say, or I have a lot of interesting things to say ... Either way, this is no fun to read. Sorry. I'll stop.
Poland is good. I like her. She's a fun country.
There are pigeons everywhere. And they don't mind people. They just waddle around (they're huge because the people here feed them. So ridiculous. You don't FEED pigeons), flap their wings a little, do their pigion thang. It's so weird. And they are literally everywhere.
I ride on trams a lot. They're pretty fun. Sometimes the lights flicker on and off. I'm not sure if that's a normal tram thing, or if it's a special trams in Poland thing,
or an extra special trams in Kraków thing. Either way. Fun stuff.
I mostly eat normal food, because we cook for ourselves basically every meal. Which I prefer, because I'm rather picky. Cool stuff. I LOVE the juice. I don't know what's so great about it, but it's just better, as it turns out. My favorite is raspberry/carrot/apple. Sounds weird. And it is weird, because you can actually taste the carrots a little bit. But even so, I love that stuff. My favorite food I've found here is this stuff called Nuss Milk. It's a lot like Nutella, minus it isn't as hazelnutty (or maybe not hazelnutty at all), and it has white chocolate swirled with the milk chocolate. Can you say heaven? I can. Nuss Milk. Also, their yogurt is good. I don't know what's different about it, but I love it. And also, they have good cold cereal. And oatmeal. And this stuff that's kinda like Malt-O-Meal, but it's vanilla flavored. They do breakfast right here in Poland.
My companion is stellar. Her name is Sister Allen, and I just love her! She's so great. She's REALLY good at Polish, which is quite a blessing, because I don't really speak Polish. When you're in the MTC, they tell you you do, but then you get out, and you realize you don't. It's quite an adventure. Like, every waking moment is an adventure.
Let's see ... I can't think of anything else really interesting to say. So I guess this is goodbye.
I am an un[OFFICIAL] slacker. And I PROMISE I'll do better in the future!
Let's begin with the plane rides. Wow. SO LONG. Like, wow. I just don't even know what to say. But they were long, and I didn't sleep AT ALL. That was a bit of a bummer. Luckily I had enough adrenline pumping through my veins to keep me going. That was a blessing. I tell you, I never want to go that long without sleep again. It's just not worth it. Ugh. I don't even like thinking about it. I love sleep.
So then we were in Warsaw, met the mission president, everything was great. My trainer is Sister Allen. Skipping ahead to our train ride to Kraków. We BARELY made the trian before it left (so that was a blessing). However, it was quite crowded because apparently there was some holiday last weekend. So there was no where for us to sit or to put our baggage. Hence we sat on our baggage in the little corridor thing. Yeah. This is also a true story. We literally sat in a hallway on our suitcases, my companion and I. And we talked to this FREAKING CUTE little boy named Kuba. SO cute. Oh my heck. And I tried to talk to him in Polish. He corrected me several times. However, when he asked what my favorite color was, and I said, "Róźowy and żółty," his mother gave me a thumbs up because I said it right. So that was a proud moment. A little bit later this lady with a cart of food and drinks ("Anything from the trolley, dear?" Yes - just like that) came by and made us move. With all our luggage. Which was a pain. So then we had to lug our luggage through, like, four train cars all the way to the front of the train. WHAT a nightmare. Luckily a nice boy named Piotr helped us, so that was cool of him. We taught him a first. He wasn't interested. But he was very nice, so whatever. Good enough. So then we got to Kraków and took our stuff onto the tram (also a pain), and had to pull it through some nice, cold, wet streets to our apartment. On the way I lost the back of my nametag. And then found it yesterday morning. So that was fun. Anyways. What an adventure. We finally got home, then we had to go get food (no one had been in the apartment the last transfer, so we had basically nothing. Like, not even dish soap. We lived like animals for a couple days).
So yeah. Here we are.
Fun story. We were out tractować-ing (when in doubt, add ować to the end of the word, and BOOM! It's Polish.) and we ended up in this building, yeah? So we knock on this door. Get nothing. However, the music in the room next to us stops and we hear someone talking. So we're like, "Yeah. Okay. We'll try this one." So Sister Allen knocks on the door, and this guy, wearing nothing but his underwear (yeah, that's right. You read it right. Super sketch), pokes his head around the doorway and is like, "Yes? I don't speak Polish. Let me get dressed." Yes. You do that. Here, I'll get the door for you. Just for PITY'S SAKE put on some clothes. So the guy gets dressed (and Sister Allen and I are just in the hall, trying to keep the laughter to a minimum) and then he comes back. So we said who we are, and he TOTES let us in for a lesson! Which was unexpected. And fun. And all a little weird. He was French (which explains the, "Oh, let me just answer the door real quick in my skivvies" thing. I mean, really. Why am I not surprised he's French?). So we had a lesson, it was fun. He was weird.
Things have been pretty crazy! Love YOU ALL SO MUCH!
The Superbowl. It's a big deal. We all know this. Friends and family gather, they eat food, they talk - but most importantly, they stare intently at the television. Every so often, a cheer makes it's way through the group, but mostly everyone sits on the edge of their seats, watching in awe and amazement. When it's over, it's discussed in GREAT detail, everywhere, and with everyone. The Superbowl is big.
General Conference is the Superbowl of the MTC. For reals, though. We all gather, watch the tv intently, listen in amazement as the Prophet and Apostles preach. It's intense. And yeah, actually, every so often there's a little cheering (because we're still just a rowdy bunch of kids in their late teens, and no one's perfect, right?). Since there's about a gazillion of us missionaries, we were in four different locations throughout the MTC to watch it. All our classes were cancelled, so basically all we did all day was watch Conference and read our scriptures and talk and stuff. It was fabulous. I loved it so much. We did get to see the in between sessions thing on Sunday (kind of ... we were watching it in the cafeteria, and it was awkwardly turned off half way through for some reason I couldn't explain), and that was fun! Also really weird, because we saw REAL ACTUAL TV COMMERCIALS. Craziest moment of my life. When you go five weeks without seeing a commercial, and then BOOM, you see one, it's kinda bizarre. Sister Wendel and I were sitting with the Bulgars during lunch while we were watching it, and they were like, "Hey, Poland," so Sister Wendel and I were like, "WHAT?!" and looked over and saw it and it was super exciting! Poland Represent!
General Conference was AMAZING! I don't think I've ever loved it so much in all my life. Usually 8 hours feels like a REALLY long time to sit and get spiritual guidance (don't judge! It is a long time!). But now? Psh, 8 hours is nothin'! I spend pretty much every hour of every day now getting spiritual guidance and what not. This was nothin'. And it was SO good. Honestly, I'm pretty sure there were several talks in this General Conference written just for me, Anna Lin Young. Incredible. However, my FAVORITE part of Conference was actually the Young Women's meeting from last week. We got to watch it Saturday night while all the elders were at Priesthood (which I was SUPER grateful for, because I adore the Young Women's meeting! And I thought a lot about my sweet baby sister who is NOT a baby, because I remembered that she was actually there - it was like a little connection to her and my Mama). It was so good. And President Uchtdorf's talk - gosh dang it, I love that man. He is amazing. Absolutely beyond amazing. His talk was written for me. I mean it. Maybe you people were able to get something out of it too, but that talk was written for me. He was talking about our life journey (and of course, being a missionary, I thought of my mission journey), and he mentioned a couple different stories - The Wizard of Oz, A Christmas Carol, and then, much to my joy, THE HOBBIT. Which is kind of the inspiration for my mission. He talked about how Bilbo Baggins wanted to stay comfortably at home and sit in his chair, but instead he went on a adventure and changed the world. Of course, I'm not thinking I'll change the world out there or whatever, but other than that, Bilbo and I are twinners. In our district meeting after we were talking about things we liked, and I brought this up. I said that my family and Lord of the Rings are like this (and crossed my fingers, indicating we were very close. Which is possibly the dorkiest thing in the whole world. But it is true. Don't be hatin' - the Young Family is one classy bunch). And then I said we went and saw The Hobbit the day after I got my call, and that when Bilbo ran out of his house, after the dwarfs and called behind him, "I'm going on an adventure!", both my Dad and I thought about my mission and the adventure I would be embarking on. Hello, Tender Mercy! I mean, really? What are the odds that President Uchtdorf would bring up The Hobbit of all things? Cray cray, right? But I needed a little reminder of what I'm doing here, and why I decided to come out here in the first place. It's because this is where the Lord wants me, and I just need to put my faith in Him and trust that He will guide me on this fabulous adventure. And then, this morning at the temple, one of the temple workers asked where I was going and I said Poland, and she said, "You are going to have a wonderful experience. What an amazing adventure!" These Tender Mercies - I tell you, they are coming out of the no where these days! And I love it so much.
I am so glad I got to be at the MTC for Conference. It was an amazing experience, and one that cannot be replicated. It's just such a different feeling, sitting with thousands of other missionaries, listening to our dear prophet together. And they talked so much about missionary work! It was incredible. Just, wow, you know? That's how it was. Wow.
So while Anna is gone she has UNofficially left me (her dear mom) in charge ... I know you're wondering "what was she thinking?!" I have been Officially scolded for not posting. I am repenting. So here are her first two posts from the MTC. Enjoy!
Hello little ducklings! I offer an early welcome to you from the MTC! Before we begin our tour, a word. Don't worry. Really. This place is fabulous. And now - on to the tour! Fun, yes?
It's crowded. Just know that coming in. It makes things a little easier. There are people EVERYWHERE. Accept it - love it. If I can survive here, you know anyone can!
There are three places you will spend the majority of your time. The first is your residency. Which is MTC-Speak for bedroom. I don't know it needs a fancy name, but there ya go. It's a small room packed with three bunkbeds, two desks, and two dressers. It's snug. EXTREMELY snug. But really fun. In my limited experience. The second place is the cafeteria. It's crowded and loud and big and smells an awful lot like food. For obvious reasons. And while we're on the subject - food. It's okay. Not digusting, not amazing, Okay. And edible, so that's a plus. However, Fridays and Wednesdays they have ice cream from the BYU creamery. And that is good stuff. Mmmmmmmmm boy. The last place is your classroom. That's where you'll spend, like, 88.5754% of your time. Now, depending on your mission, this place will either be nice or super ghetto. Good news Annlie - it would appear English speaking missions get all the lovin' here. Your classroom is, like, three times as big as ours, and has nice paint on the walls, and pictures, and even a white board! Our Polish classroom is more of a glorified closet. And it's got a chalkboard. Yeah. Ghetto to the max.
There are a few things you should bring with you to the MTC besides all the obvious stuff. Bring a lanyard. I've got one, and it is SO nice. You can stick your little card and key on it, and you are good to go. Bring a robe. They're very handy when walking from the bathroom and showers to your room ... Basically, that's all I can think of. Sorry, not uber helpful.
But my BIGGEST advice - don't worry. Honestly. I was quite nervous about the MTC experience, and honestly, it's nothing to worry about. It's nice. Everyone here is nice, and life is good. So don't fret!
The first post - I love it here. I really do. The MTC is awesome! So be excited, prospective missionaries! I'll write a "What To Know About The MTC" post in a week or two, once I've got the hang of it. But for now, don't even worry. It's really okay.
Would you like to hear a secret? I'm happy. So incredibly happy. Which is honestly so surprising to me! I really thought that I'd struggle being here, but such is not the case! It is so wonderful here! Honestly, if the MTC had my family and friends, snacking, naps, and One Direction, I couldn't ask for anything more! I would be living the dream, friends.
Polish is a beast. I love it SO much, but it really fetching (sorry - not a missionary word - please forgive me) hard. Here's your little taste of Polish - Ja jestem Siostra Young. Ja jestem misionarkam Kosciol Jezusa Christusa Swientich w Dniach Ostatnich. I know you can't pronounce that (what's google translate for, right?), but it means, "I am Sister Young. I am a missionary of the Church of Jesus Crhist of Latter-day Saitns." I can also pray in Polish! Supes cray cray, yeah?" I mean, the prayer is pretty basic, but still!
Thanks SO much for the letters! Annlie and Lizzie - PROPS. You get the points because you're darn sexy (eh, eh?). As a special note - if you want to write me (PLEASE WRITE ME MAIL IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!), use DearElder.com. It is the best thing ever because you email them and they print out a hard copy for me to keep that I can get any time during the week - emails get read on Mondays. So there's that for you.
My district is BEYOND amazing. I love them all so much! They really are the best. We have six sisters and six elders learning Polish. Fun fact - two of our elders are actually heading to Leeds, England Polish speaking. Weird, right?
Anyways. I just wanted to let you all know that I have survived - and that the MTC is awesome - and that I love mail (cough cough send me mail cough).
Well, this is it, guys! I'm headed out tomorrow! Tomorrow! Would you believe that? It is so crazy! And I'm strangely excited! Knowing me, that is quite unusual. I'd have thought I'd be a nervous wreck, reduced to tears by the mere mention of leaving. And yet, here we are! Possibly that will still happen tomorrow, but as of right now, I'm feeling pretty dang good!
Just so you're all in the know, my mother has graciously offered to keep the blog up for me (it was a while ago, but I believe the offer still stands ... Hopefully it does, or this will have gotten really awkward), so don't fret! I will make sure you're all kept well informed of my whereabouts and wanderings! I'm guessing (emphasis on the guessing part, because let's get real - I've got no idea what's going to be happening in a couple days when I'm outta here) I'll be updating the blog once a monthish? I'm not sure. But we'll see what happens!
I kinda still can't believe I'm leaving. It will probably sink in tomorrow on the drive down to the MTC. It's just the craziest! So crazy. It is so crazy.
Well, this is it, guys. The big goodbye. But we had a good run, didn't we? We had some good times. And I will never forget the time we spent together, and the joy you brought to my life. Farewell, Camilla and Bellatrix. May you find joy in Oakley. And may you not meet untimely deaths at the hands of feral ranch dogs. That would be a tragedy.
Yep. It's true. The chickies have to go. And we love them dearly (... well ... Mom and Abby love them ...), but they're just too noisy. And disgusting. Here's your disgusting story of the day.
This morning I was taking Trixie out of the garage and putting her in the coop. They're always a bit nervous when they're being held (understandable), and they're always a bit antsy to be down on the ground again. So I'm carrying Trix, I open the gate to the coop, and she flaps right out of my arms. And a little egg drops to the ground and bounces on the dirt. Yes. She laid an egg on me. I have had a fetching egg laid right in my arms. I'm sorry, NO. Fetching disgusting. So I just stood there, staring at it. I didn't want to pick it up, because it was covered in goo, and it would be warm, and that is simply not okay with me. But apparently Millie and Trixie found it pretty interesting because they started pecking at it. I shooed them away, but I still didn't want to pick it up. So they started pecking again. Finally, I gathered all the courage I could muster and picked up the wet, slimy, warm egg. Gross. It was so gross.
And for that reason alone, I'm really not that sad to see the ladies (as I have lovingly called them) head north to Idaho. Annlie was right. Dangit, she's always right! She told me. She warned me that I would love them as chicks, and then come to detest them as adult chickies. She was right. You're right, Annlie! Enjoy your moment!
You know, I was imagining the post would be a bit more heartwarming and tender. It's kind of sad that my goodbye post for the chickens I wanted so badly (see Unofficial Dreams, August of 2012) has turned to this. Eh, what the heck. It is what it is.
So this is the un[OFFICIAL] goodbye.
*Brief Explanation*
The chickies will be heading to Oakley with my Aunt Heidi and Uncle Steve (who own a ranch) after my farewell. Apparently we have visitation rights (though I'm not expecting my chickies will still be squawking in a year and a half when I get home ... I wasn't kidding about those feral ranch dogs).
My life is a Mission Fest right now. Like, everything I do is about mission stuff. It's awesome, but at the same time, it is freaking me out in a big way. Still. It's mostly awesome.
Yesterday my bestie since before kindergarten opened her mission call (San Jose California, English speaking, leaves June 12)! It was so exciting! I think it's amazing that my little friend group from high school, the four of us, will all be going on missions and out at the same time! It's just so crazy! A couple of years ago, heck, even six months ago, this would never have seemed a possibility. And now here we are! I just can't quite wrap my head around it!
Today I met up with a couple of girls going to the same mission as me for lunch, and it was so much fun! It was really nice being able to talk to other girls who are in the exact situation as me. It's like, I can talk about getting ready with my family, and even my friends who are also preparing for missions, but talking to girls going to Poland was so fun! It made me really excited to get out there! Which is good, because I'm leaving in a week and a half. Holy hannah! That is so soon!!!
And another Single Awareness Day goes down in the books. For the 19th year running, I have had a successful year. I am single, and I am aware. You can't break a streak like this one!
It seems the Universe is dead set on convincing me I'm single. Which is unnecessary, because I totally know I'm single. For some reason, it's not getting that.
Example 1
So a couple weekends ago, Lizzie and I had the pleasure of partying, and no party is complete without chocolate. Am I right, am I right? So we bought some Dove chocolates. You know, the ones with the corny/inspiring sentiments on the wrappers. It being near Valentine's Day, they had the heart shaped ones out. Naturally, we bought that kind. Chocolate is good, but heart shaped chocolate is even better. Everyone knows that. So here we are, with our chocolate, chilling in my room, listening to 1D and chatting. I open one of my chocolates and read the wrapper, expecting something beautiful. It says, and I quote, "Be your own Valentine." Wow. Thanks for that. I mean, what do you even say to that? I know I'm single, no need to go rubbing my face in it. Lizzie also got one that said, "Chocolate will always be your Valentine." Honestly? Who is in charge of this marketing campaign? Fire them! Either that or give them a raise. Because actually, those messages are a little depressing, and inspired me to drown my sorrows in more chocolate.
Example 2
Emily and I were watching The Bachelor on Hulu (I know, it's ranked on the list of dumbest television shows ever created, but it's also awesome). During the commercials, we kept getting eHarmony ads. Like they're trying to tell us, "Hey! You're watching The Bachelor! You're obviously single! Allow us to help you out, there!" No thanks, eHarmony. And what is it to you if I watch The Bachelor?
I'm not complaining. Really, I'm not. I don't even want to be in a relationship at this point. Which is why all these singleness reminders seem a bit ridiculous. So listen up, Universe. I'm going on a mission. In less than two weeks. I know I'm single, and that's the way I want it.
And in light of that, it's another un[OFFICIAL] success!
I would like to dedicate this post to Lizzie. My Soul Sistah. I'm just glad I've got a cousin who knows I'm a total knucklehead and still hangs out with me. Isn't that fabulous? I think it's fabulous.
Yesterday we had an Anna Lin and Lizzie Anne day. It was magnificent. Because when we're together, it's ALWAYS magnificent! Why? Why is it so magnificent? Maybe because we're the coolest people in the world! And also, for the following reasons.
Reason 1 We are hilarious. Honest to goodness. I don't know why more people don't think we're funny! Basically every word that comes out of our mouth is comedic gold (the other words are pure poetry, and should be written into a book or something). We are just funny. And it's very nice having someone to be funny with, you know?
Reason 2 Shared interests. All things that are amazing, we both love (i.e. food, One Direction, the UK, Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, clothes, music, Sherlock, One Direction, Bath and Body Works, One Direction, food ... you can see where this is going). And all things that are lame, we both hate (i.e. Taylor Swift - we did NOT appreciate that little stunt she pulled at the Grammys. Really, Taylor? Really?, Justin Bieber ... Uh, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it presently). When you have that much in common, it's hard NOT to be Soul Sistahs.
Reason 3 We quote things NON STOP. Which is great, by the way. We have conversations very nearly made up entirely of quotes. And we use the same obscure quotes that nobody else gets, so that just makes it even better. It drives me crazy when I use a great quote (that's totally applicable to the situation) and nobody gets it! I'm always like, "Dang! If Lizzie were here, she'd get it!"
Reason 4 We both like to write and read. Which is convenient, because I write things and she reads them, and then she writes things, and I read them. "It's like all the things!" (See? That's one of those obscure quotes I know she'll get) I totes love it.
Reason 5 We share a shnazzy vocabulary. Need I say more?
So Lizzie, my un[OFFICIAL] Soul Sistah, keep it real. I'm going to miss you oodles!
Well. Here we go. This is a wee bit embarrassing, but it's gotta be said.
I love One Direction.
There it is.
And there they are!
Now here's the thing. One Direction has this stigma of being lame because a lot of their fans are little tweeny boppers. That's so dumb. Because they're really talented. Quite recently, I was among the number that mocked them. Just because they have a million fangirls. Who are often obnoxious. Admittedly, fangirls are obnoxious. But hating something because of annoying fans is almost as dumb as being an annoying fan. If we all hated things because of annoying fans, would we ever like anything? Once my family went to a Harry Potter movie, and these people sitting next to us were likely the most irritating people in all the world. Honest to goodness. We still talk about how irritating they were. But do I hate Harry Potter now? No, I do not. Because Harry Potter is better than it's fans, and the same could be said of One Direction. So consider this your official call to repentance. No more judging. Read the rest of this post with an open mind. Because dang it, they are so amazing.
"When did this happen?" you ask. "Good question," I answer. It started one night on a drive home from work. I was listening to the radio, and Little Things came on. I was like, Boo! One Direction! That's for thirteen year old girls who need something to be fangirly about! But I listened to it, because I'm a sucker for accents (as we learned in a previous post). And then I was like, Hey. This is kinda cute. NO! Wait! Stop, Anna! You aren't thirteen! You don't need to be fangirly! And there it ended. Fast forward a few weeks to New Years. Me and my cuz's (yeah, it's a word) were getting our groove on with Just Dance, and I jokingly suggested we dance to What Makes You Beautiful. Turns out that is the BEST dance on the whole dang game. So me and my Soul Sistah Lizzie were like, "Wow. This is good." And then we were like, "Hey. Maybe we like this song." Which then turned into, "Hey. Maybe we like this group." Which then to turned into, "Ermagersh One Direction is the best thing ever!" This is where we're at.
Yes. They're dressed as sailors. Don't even question it.
There are so many reasons I like One Direction. So many.
Music. Obviously. Their music is really good. Some of it is super catchy and up beat, but there also softer ballads and sad (yet beautiful) soulful ones - really, they're quite versatile. If you've only ever heard What Makes You Beautiful, One Thing, and Little Things, you should really consider listening to some of their other stuff. I mean, those ones are good for sure, really they are, but they aren't even the best stuff they've got. I would suggest listening to Heart Attack, Gotta Be You, More Than This, and Tell Me A Lie. And for sure Kiss You. And Summer Love. And Last First Kiss. Heck, just listen to all of them. It's ridiculous, trying to narrow it down. But because of time restraints (I doubt you're just sitting around, looking for a way to waste away a few hours), if I were picking just one for you to listen to, I would go with Kiss You. Because it's super presh. And just to make it easy for you, I'll put the music video here for you. That's how much I love you.
Second thing to love. They're basically the most beautiful boys in all the world. I mean, just look at them.
Left to right - Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry
Right, right? They are beautiful. You honestly cannot look at that picture and tell me you don't find them in the least bit attractive. It's not even possible. You'd have to be a robot or something. With no heart. Or eyes. Something would need to be wrong with you.
And the best part is, besides being inhumanly gorgeous, they're really hilarious. And quirky. Like, they have real personalities. Here are your explanations (of course I couldn't pass up an opportunity to explain their awesomeness!). Also, more pictures. You're welcome, kids.
Niall - He's Irish, so his accent is especially adorable. And he has this thing. He spends, like, 90% of his time eating. He's got this food obsession. In fact, he once killed his pet fish because of overfeeding. It's quite endearing, actually. I mean, minus the part about the fish. That's sad. He's such a normal person, you know? I mean, as normal as an international boy band sensation can be. And look at his kooky little hat in that group picture! I love it. Also, he writes some of the songs, and they are beautiful, and always gives himself the smallest solos.
Louis - Louis is the funny one. And my goodness, is he funny. If you watch any of their video diaries (I know, I know, so pathetic - but really, you should watch them, because that's what really convinced me they're amazing), you will see what I'm talking about. He's the most random soul. And so funny. And in spite of being obnoxious (in a really really good way!) he is so charming! It does not even make sense. And he's gorgeous. Did I mention he's gorgeous? Look at that top picture of them all together again. Those eyes are staring straight into your soul.
Liam - Liam is the responsible one of the bunch. They call him Daddy Direction. Isn't that precious? It is totally precious. He's the really cute, sensible one. He's scared of spoons. I don't think I could explain that one. But I will forgive him his spoon phobia on account of he is beautiful, and he sings like an angel. He also has (had?) two pet turtles. Named Boris and Archimedes. I'm sorry, but those are the best turtle names I've ever heard.
Zayn - Oh my. Just ... Wow. Look at him. He's surely the most beautiful soul ever to walk the earth. The eyes, the jaw, the hair ... I'm sorry. It's just not even fair that people this beautiful exist. Apparently he's the "mysterious" one. And he seems really chill, in like, every picture ever taken of him, but if you watch the music videos and the video diaries, you see that he really is a goofball. Just like the rest of them. Albeit, a very handsome goofball.
Harry - Harry Harry Harry. What to say about Harry? He's the flirty one. I'm pretty sure they're all flirts, because they're attractive as all get out and famous. But he's been dubbed the flirt. Also, he is funny. I like him. And he has a beautiful voice. But he talks really slow in interviews. Half the time I love it because it's just funny, and the other half the time, I'm like, "Dang boy! Get a move on!"
All together now!
Yep. That's that money shot.
There you go. 1D (in case you didn't catch on, that's shorthand for One Direction. See how that works?) in a nutshell. If that hasn't convinced you, at the very least, to give them a chance - I don't even know what to say to you. Except that you are an insane psycho-freak, and I hope you get hit by a bus. (Ignore the bus part - I don't condone or endorse violence. But you really are insane and psycho and freakish.)
I have an un[OFFICIAL] confession, and it turns out I love One Direction.
Now, I know I'm not the only one. Surely I'm not the only soul who is insanely jealous of Britain. I'm mean, I'm proud to be an American. I fly those stars and stripes with pride. But dang it, Britain is awesome. Let's go over the reasons, yes?
1. Accent
Why is it that everything, literally everything, just sounds better when you're saying it in a British accent? Honestly. Why, for the sake of all that is good in the world, did we decide to ditch that accent back two hundred years ago? We should have kept it. If I became president, the first thing I would do is require British accents to make a reappearance. Anyone caught using an American accent would be sent straight to the gallows. Or maybe just spend a day in jail. I haven't decided which, yet. But come on! Those accents just sound so classy.
2. Classy
Those Brits are classy. From their accent to their choice of afternoon snack (tea and crumpets - don't tell me that isn't the epitome of class). It just never ends with these people! In my mind, British and Classy are basically synonyms. I love America. But I don't think "class" when I think America. I think fried chicken and Honey Boo Boo (which is truly unfortunate). When I think Britain, I think of the Union Jack, of classy-class-classy accents, and Shakespeare. It's not even fair, really.
3. Attractive
I've heard tell that your average Brit isn't all that much to look at. This may or may not be true, I really couldn't tell you. I've never been to Britain, much to my chagrin. But those Brits that I have seen (you know, movie stars, musicians, the like) are all fetching ridiculously good looking. What is with that? To name a few: Eddie Redmayne (we could end the list here, and it would still be worth it), Jamie Bell, Richard Armitage, Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Ed Stoppard - for the sake of time, we'll end that here. But there are more. So many more.
4. TV
They do TV right across the pond. Well, at least, the stuff we see over here that came from over there. Upstairs Downstairs, Downton Abbey, SHERLOCK (it gets all caps because it really is just that great) - let's just agree that everything (almost everything) Masterpiece is ah-mazing. Let's add to that list Robin Hood (classy classy classy) and Dr. Who (which I haven't seen a whole lot of, but liked what I saw). And basically all those remakes of classic literature done by BBC. And classy makes yet another reappearance in the description of Britain.
5. Accents
They have such great accents!
I am un[OFFICIALLY] jealous of Britain. Dang, they're classy.
Anyone who knows me, and I mean really knows me, knows that I hate to be first. I was born a second child, and not by accident, I assure you. Being second is my thing. Two is literally one of my favorite numbers (I know, people don't normally have favorite numbers. But I do. And that number is four. Followed closely by two. You see, two would be my favorite, but it doesn't have a square root. It's almost lopsided. Four is the perfect number. It's got a square root (two, the second favorite number), and it's the square root of 16 (another good number). It's just so whole, and square, and balanced. You know? No. I can see that you don't. You know what, don't even worry about it. Suffice it to say that I love the numbers two and four). I'm an excellent Second, and I do not like being a First.
I think to be a First, you've got to be a leader, because all those other numbers come after one. I think a love of adventure is also required. Think about it - you're venturing out into the great unknown without someone to guide you. You need to be okay with taking chances. You've also got to be really confident in yourself, because if you're a First and you aren't confident, there will be no Second or Third. You've got to make people believe in you. And another thing - you have to be really chill. And by chill, I mean a "go with the flow" type of personality. Let's face it - if you're trying something new and you're the guinea pig, chances are good you won't be perfect. You have to be okay with making mistakes and altering your plans to allow for those mistakes.
And, for all those reasons, I am a Second. You show me what to do, and I'll do it. But I want to know exactly what's going to happen. I need a detailed plan in place, so I can be prepared for every possible situation. I'm not really one to make people believe in me. Like I said, I'm a follower. A Second. Two is a nice, nondescript number. Two flies right under the radar. Just the way I like it. And I do not have a "go with the flow" personality. I'm really quite rigid. I do plans, I do schedules, I do lists, I do graphs, I do flow charts. But a flow chart is about as "flowy" as I get. I don't like making mistakes, and I do not like being wrong. Classic Second, right here.
This is where we find the problem. I feel a little bit like a First right now. Because of this whole mission thing. And I'm well aware that I'm not the very first sister missionary to ever venture off into the world. I know that. But I'm the first from one side of my family, the second from the other (but the first was a boy and I feel like he went forever ago, so he sorta doesn't count - it's different), the first sister mish from my ward, the first in my immediate family, and the first in my friend group. Which is a bummer. I was so sure that Bree would leave before me! She got her call a month and a half before I got mine, after all! But no. I am leaving a month before her. I get to be the guinea pig. I hate being the guinea pig.
And suddenly, this mission thing is becoming very real. It's freaking me out. I got a letter from my mission president yesterday. The envelope said "priority" on it (in Polish, because it came from Poland. Naturally). From some reason, that gave me the heebie jeebies. That letter is physical evidence that it's really happening. The thing is from fetching Poland. It doesn't get any more real than that.
*And Now, A Self Motivating Speech*
I can do it! I can be a First! It's okay, right? I mean, if this is the Lord's plan for me (and I'm pretty dang confident it is), then what do I have to worry about? He knows far more than I do, and if He wants me to go to Poland, and to go in February, and to be a First, then so be it. I'll do it. I don't think there's any way I can be 100% prepared, with a million back-up plans (for Just In Case situations), but I don't need that. All I need is to know that He has a plan, it's a gazillion times better than mine could ever be, and know that that's enough. What I need to do now, is stop worrying.
Alright kids, here's the deal. I work in retail. It has been quite the experience. I have learned a thing or two about being a retail worker (obviously), and in the process, about a gazillion things about being a customer. Allow me to share these precious pearls of wisdom with you.
Suggestion #1
If you ask a worker if they have something, and they answer "I don't think so." - they're saying that to be nice to you. What you should read into that is "Nope, we don't." Your response should be something like, "Alright, thanks anyway." It should definitely NOT be "You don't think so, or you don't know?" That just makes them angry. And a little homicidal. Don't be that customer.
Suggestion #2
When worker is at the cash register, helping another customer, it's not the best time to ask a ridiculously long and complicated question. The customers paying for their stuff have been waiting in line for their turn, you can wait in line too. No exceptions.
Suggestion #3
"Please" and "Thank you" are still magic words. If you need help, say please. If a worker does something for you, for pity's sake, say thanks! It will not cost you a thing, but it might help make their night a little better. Seriously. Do not undervalue the power those words have.
Suggestion #4
Returns suck. If you buy something you end up not using, cool. And I can understand returning stuff if you're really tight on money, or if it's something you know you will never ever in your life EVER use, or if it was super expensive and you don't need it. Understandable. But there are things not to return. For example. If you bought one extra piece of paper, just keep it. Honestly. It cost you, what, 50 cents? Keep the freaking paper.
Suggestion #5
When a cashier is trying to talk to you, and being polite and friendly, be polite and friendly back. There is nothing more obnoxious than a customer who doesn't say a single word, just hands you their stuff and their money and glares at you as you ring them up. Don't be that customer either. I hate that customer.
Suggestion #6
If someone tells you, "Have a nice day!" you may either: a) respond with "You too!" (or any variation on that same idea), or b) thank them. You don't just walk away and ignore it. That's irritating. And frankly, I find it quite rude.
Suggestion #7
If you aren't done finding the stuff you want to buy, under no circumstances should you come up to the register, get everything all rung up, and then say, "I'm just going to grab something real quick." That makes the cashier angry, that makes the people in line angry - we're all just an angry angry bunch. And probably there will be enough people there to form a lynch mob. Lynchings aren't pretty. Don't let them happen to you.
Suggestion #8
Generally speaking, cashiers don't mind price checking a few things. It's not that hard, it's not a big deal. But if you have an entire cart full of crap to be price checked, they won't be as chill about it. Especially if you decide you don't want 80% of the stuff you brought up.
Suggestion #9
Don't bicker with employees about prices. Yes, sometimes they're wrong. We're all wrong sometimes. But 99.9978% of the time, they know what they're talking about. If they tell you something's not on sale, chances are extremely good it's really not on sale. Contrary to popular belief, they are not out to get you. They'll give you the best prices they can. Unless you're being a butt, and arguing about prices.
Suggestion #10
Don't tell the cashier what to use coupons on. This goes along nicely with Suggestion #9. They will put the coupon on the most expensive, regularly priced item. They will give you the best deal they possibly can. Your telling them what to do is superfluous, and irritating.
Suggestion #11
"It doesn't hurt to ask, right?" Wrong. It's annoying. Sometimes, people just need to suck it up and find things for themselves. Wander around the aisles for a few minutes, it won't hurt you. And sometimes, people just need to accept that their "special circumstance" isn't special to anyone but themselves, and we can't just go cutting imaginary deals for every single person with imaginary special circumstances. It ain't gonna happen.
Suggestion #12
Don't be an idiot. Idiots are annoying, and nobody likes them.
Those are you un[OFFICIAL] shopping suggestions. Good luck.
In love again? So soon? Yes (don't worry, Eddie Redmayne - you have not been forgotten). But this was a long time coming.
Gosh darn it, I'm in love with Gordon Hayward.
Tonight, thanks to my crazy freaking awesome great aunt Tacey and great uncle Bob, I got to go to the Jazz game. Our seats were in the fourth row. Fourth row! I was right up there! I could practically smell the sweat. I was not 10 feet away from Gordon Hayward. Yeah, that close. Best. Night. Ever.
I LOVE him.
As an added bonus (and a seriously fabulous bonus at that), my seat was directly across from Gordon Hayward's spot on the Jazz bench. I spent perhaps 50% of the game gazing at him. Very sneakily, of course. Except (and this may just be my imagination but I'm pretty dang freaking sure it wasn't), I maybe wasn't that sneaky, because I think we maybe made eye contact approximately 8 times. As in, prolonged gazing, and perhaps a little drooling on my part. Seriously though! I'm not even making this up! This has perhaps been the happiest night of my life.
I really love Gordon Hayward. He is the coolest. And he seems so wholesome, you know? Not like some professional sports players who let the fame and money go to their heads. He's really down to earth. And besides that, he's an amazing basketball player and super freaking cute. What's not to love?
Oh PS- The Jazz totally won! By a ton! Whassup, Kirilenko? Hayward had a great game with some freaking awesome plays, and Burks (Favorite Number 2) had an amazing backwards slam dunk! Good grief - that was the best. Best game ever. For reals.