
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Unofficially In Love: Eddie Redmayne

I'm in love quite a lot, as it turns out. Which is fine, I guess. I mean, I'm never even going to meet any of these people in real life. Why not be in love with them all? I really don't see any reason for me to pick just one.

And so, today it is Eddie Redmayne. The lucky winner. 

Well, hello, Best Picture Ever Taken!

How I love that man. If any of you have seen Les Miserables (which you all for sure should have seen - those of you who haven't ... I just don't even know what to say to you. Go see it. Like, now. If there is a theater near you, and it's not unreasonably late, go and see it), you know what I'm talking about. He is just amazing. Just amazing. 

I saw him first in Tess of the d'Urbervilles. And fell promptly in love with him. And then forgot him just as quickly in favor of some other beautiful boy. However, the story has a happy ending, because now I love him again! I think what drew me to him in Tess, besides being the obvious love interest of the story, was the innocence about him. Which is perfect for the character of Angel Clare. He isn't supposed to be some ridiculously gorgeous, hunky guy (yes, hunky, people still say it). That's much more Alec d'Urberville's line of work. Because there's supposed to be this stark contrast, you see, of Angel and Alec. Where Alec is worldliness, Angel is innocence. And Eddie Redmayne is perfect for that part.

Look at the massive amounts of cuteness going on right here!

He plays a similar role in Les Mis. Marius isn't the raving revolutionary (even though he looks a teeny bit like that in the movie) like Enjolras. Enjolras has a really enigmatic and noble personality - he's a leader. Which is why he leads the rebellion. Obviously. But Marius is swept up by the rebellion partly for the memory of his father, and partly because his friends happen to be revolutionaries. He really is just a boy in love. Which, again, Eddie Redmayne is perfect for! Isn't that just the best? 

Good. So much good is happening in this picture.

Oh, and that voice! Speaking and singing, no less! When he sings Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - good grief! Not only is the singing incredible (like, seriously incredible), the acting is just magnificent! You can see the emotion. It practically gets up and bites you, right on the face. I was so impressed. When I heard he was cast, I was thrilled, but I didn't know if he could really sing. Turns out he totally can. I am pleased.

And while we're talking Les Mis - IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER! Yes. It was. Also, Eddie Redmayne is the best boy ever (perhaps I'm exaggerating ... but whatever. Who cares?).

I am un[OFFICIALLY] in love with Eddie Redmayne.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Unofficially Awkward: The Great Bow Debaucle

Sometimes, working retail, you run into awkward situations. I recently began working in Floral at Bennion. Which is fine. I quite like working Floral. Except when people ask me to tie them a nice bow. Because the Floral managers have not yet seen fit to teach me how to tie a good bow. Usually when this happens, I just call over Denise or Debbie or Mike, and they make a bow, and all is well. Occasionally, this plan fails because they are not at work. Such as tonight.

It began much as any other night at work. I was bored. I wanted to go home. I was bored. When, much to my surprise and joy, my parents came in! I really love getting visits at work from my fam. So I talked to them, and as we chatted (briefly), I saw behind them the most beautiful boy I had ever laid eyes on. Like a young Brad Pitt with ridiculously blue eyes. He was gorgeous. He was wearing this really nice, dark green sweater with a white button-up shirt, and this red and green plaid tie - mmmmm. And he had a really nice watch. All these things combined to make one good looking man.

And now, for your visual.

This is him.

And this is me.

He looked like he had a question (probably, "Hey, excuse me, do you know where _______ is?") Naturally, my first instinct was to run. So I ditched my parents, answered the phone to look busy, and I counted my escape a success. Though I was not disappointed to see him walk past me a couple times (don't judge - he was seriously beautiful. You would've done the same thing). And so lost was I in drooling over his devastating good looks, that I was caught quite by surprise when he spoke to me. I thought I was home free! And then - no. I panicked. I'm almost certain my face went beet red (which is stupid, because nothing embarrassing has even happened yet!). He asked me if we had any cellophane bags he could put a gift basket in. I was like, "Yeah, they're over here, blah blah blah. Panic panic panic." And then he was like, "See, the gift's for my sister (Awe, cute!). And we sort of have a contest to see who can have the fanciest gift wrapping (Huh. That's interesting) and I'm kind of in a hurry because the party's tonight (Procrastinate much?). Do you think you could help me out, if I just bring the stuff in?" And before I could actually think, I heard myself babbling about "Yeah, sure!" and "No problem!" Stop Anna! Abort! Abort! There's a big problem! And it's called, you don't know diddly squat about wrapping fancy baskets and tying fancy bows. 

As soon as he left to get his stuff, I went in search of a bow-tier. I asked literally every soul working. And, because such is my luck, none of them knew how to tie bows. I really got myself into a pickle. But I couldn't say no! I couldn't possibly disappoint such a beautiful being (which is ironic, because saying I can help, and then having to admit I don't know how to tie bows is much more disappointing than just telling him, "Hey, sorry, can't help ya" from the start). 

When I get back from my unfruitful search, he was already standing at the counter with his stuff for the gift basket. So here we are. We get his gift all wrapped up in a basket and cellophane, and then we reach the inevitable moment when he asks, "Can you, like, tie it with a big bow? It needs lots of razzle dazzle." These are his exact words. And then I'm like, "Er, well, I can try!" I can tie a decent bow, but it's just the normal everyday kind. Not the "razzley dazzley" kind. I attempted a bow. I tried. I really did. But it was awful, even by my low standards.

It looked something like this ... But possibly worse.

After I finished tying it, we just sat there in silence for a minute. Staring at it. I was trying to summon the end of the world that I was promised, and he was probably trying to think of a polite way to inform me I shouldn't be volunteering to help wrap Christmas gifts. I suggested that perhaps if we used some gold ribbon, along with the red, it might look better.

It didn't. It was pitiful. So pitiful, in fact, that Mr. Young Beautiful Brad Pitt asked some lady looking at the ribbon (yes. Just some random customer) if she knew how to tie a bow. It was that bad. I mean, it wasn't an ugly bow. But it was much nearer an ugly bow than I would have wished.

Thankfully, the woman knew how to tie a bow. Hers looked all beautiful and professional. So the story has a happy ending! Some random lady got to show off her bow tying skills, and the Mr. Young Beautiful Brad Pitt got his razzle dazzle bow. And I got to slink away slowly, praying for the end of the world.

Oh, and after that, I got a bloody nose. I was dripping copious amounts of blood, and got to go home early. In shame. So much shame.

I am un[OFFICIALLY] awkward

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Unofficially Thrilled

Occasionally, I forget I'm going on a mission. For approximately 2.4 seconds. And every time I remember, I just get this really excited feeling. And sometimes, when this exciting feeling is unstoppable, I start yammering on about how excited I am to whoever's near enough to hear me (or to myself, when I'm alone). And so you, unlucky reader, will get to hear plenty of yammering.

I am just so happy. It's amazing. And it's a different kind of happy, you know? It's like I'm happy because I know what I'm doing is right, and it's what the Lord wants me to do. At work, there's this scrapbook paper (and yes, there's a point to the story - be patient) with quotes from random famous people on it. One of the quotes that really stood out to me was attributed to Joan of Arc. It said, "I am not afraid ... I was born to do this." I can't boast being as brave as Joan of Arc, because sometimes, I think about going out there in the big wide world on my own, and I'm scared spit less. But, like Joan of Arc, I know that I was born to do this (it's, like, the one thing we have in common). It's part of God's plan for me, and I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share His Gospel with the people of Poland! I'm so glad that I decided to go, and that the Lord nudged me in the right direction on this one - it's hard to think now about not going.

That's another thing. Poland. I love it. It's so crazy how two weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about the country of Poland. But now, it's a part of my every thought. I feel this sudden connection with it, even though I've never been there. I remember, as I was reading my call, and I read "Poland Warsaw" - right then, I knew it was where I was supposed to go, and I just loved it. It feels almost like my home away from home now. Which is crazy, because I've never even been there before. But I love it! I love Poland! I love my Polish CTR ring, I love the awesome Polish flag hanging by our front door - I just love Poland. It's my new favorite country (sorry France ... this is awkward). 

I am un[OFFICIALLY] thrilled to be serving my mission in Poland!

PS - Good news! Megan got her mission call today, and she's going to Milan Italy! Is that not the craziest? She leaves May 1. So I leave February 27 for Poland, Bree leaves March 20 for Rome, and Megan leaves May 1 for Milan! Hopefully Annlie will hurry up and get her papers done (that woman - she is slow), and we can add her to the list! I LOVE that all four of us will be out there serving at the same time. The Church is true, friends. The Church is true.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Unofficial Favorite Hymn

I love hymns. So so much. I think they're absolutely beautiful. And my favorite hymn, of all time (unofficially - because there are LOTS of hymns I love, so the Favorite Position rotates) is Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.

Here are the lyrics for you. I assume you know them, but I just really love the words to this song, so I want you to read them again.

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Why, you may ask, do I love this song so much? Sure, it's fabulous, but is it any better than the other Christmas hymns? Why this one? 

There are, in fact, a couple of reasons.

Firstly, this song is featured on Scrooge (the best movie of almost all time). With a bunch of little boys singing in British accents. That just spells fun.

Second, it's got a good tune to it. It's catchy.

Third (and most important), these words are really beautiful. The first verse is fantastic, I love it oodles. But the second in the one that really hits home for me. These lyrics are about more than His birth - they're about His mission here. They're about why He came. He was "born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth". He came here for US. To give us a chance to return to our Father in Heaven. This song tells about that so beautifully - I don't know how it couldn't be my favorite.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is my un[OFFICIAL] favorite hymn.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unofficial Missionary: Jadę do Polski!

Today has been the most fabulous day ever. Really honestly. But let's begin at the beginning, shall we?

Fabulous Thing #1
I finished all my finals and crap! The semester is officially over, I basically rocked, and I am getting my Associate's Degree. Boom.

Fabulous Thing #2
They're making a Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2! It will be called Cloudy 2: Revenge of the Leftovers, and Neil Patrick Harris is being added to the cast! But even more fun - John Francis Daley (The Love Of My Young Life) is co-writing the script. It's coming out September 27 of next year, and will FOR SURE be the first movie I watch when I get home from my mish ... Or maybe, like, in the top fifty.

Fabulous Thing #3
MY MISSION CALL CAME! It came! At last! But again, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start from the start.

Last night was absolute agony. It was like Christmas Eve on crack. I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I just lay there, thinking, and thinking, and thinking. My mind would not shut off. Misery. And then morning came at last (yay!), and I went to school (boo!), and I came home to open my mission call! The plan was to open it at 12:12 (a very auspicious minute - 12/12/12, 12:12). But alas, instead of coming at the usual time (11:30), the mailman decided not to come until, like, 12:40. I tell you, that was, like, the most miserable half hour of my life. I mean, really. There was some serious anxiety going on at this house. James and Emily watched for the mail from the door, my Dad and Abby even chased down a mail truck to see if they had it (they didn't - it was the wrong truck). We were all of us quite anxious. And then, at long last, it came! 

We gathered in the family room, attempted to FaceTime Annlie (except that ended up being a fail, because it cut out right before I announced where I was going), and opened the call. My heart was pounding about a million beats a minute. I accidentally saw the word "Warsaw", but didn't have time to focus on it because I was already reading out loud to my family from the beginning. "Dear Sister Young: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Poland Warsaw Mission." At this point, the flood gates really opened. I had convinced myself I would be serving state-side. I did NOT see this coming. I was crying, and laughing, and hugging, and there was lots of freaking out. 

I'm going to learn Polish! Polish! I'm so excited! I leave February 27th. That feels like it's crazy soon, but I'm so excited! And, of course, I'm scared to death. I'll be halfway around the world, speaking a language I don't know! But it's all going to be okay, because it's right. I know it's right.

Poland is so pretty! I'm super excited to go!

I'm an un[OFFICIAL] missionary, and Jadę do Polski!

For those of you aren't savvy with the Polish, that means "I'm going to Poland!" 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Unofficially Impatient

Patience is not one of my virtues. I don't want to wait anymore, dang it. And I know it's just a couple more days until my call gets here, but honestly. I want it RIGHT now. Like, this exact second.
I'm basically in Mission Limbo right now. I don't have an exact location to focus my energies and thoughts, so they're basically trying to cover the whole world. Which, in case you were unaware, is impossible. It's misery. Utter misery.
Just two more days. I can last two more days.
I am un[OFFICIALLY] impatient.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Unofficial Graduate

I am so close. So close. If I can make it through tomorrow, and next Wednesday, all in one piece - I will be done. I will be a college graduate. Sounds legit, doesn't it? And yeah, I know, it's only an Associate's Degree. But still! I will have a degree! I'm quite excited.

At this point, I'd have to try not to graduate. I've taken all the right classes, I took those stupid computer tests (and a quick update - I passed that stupid Excel one! Also the other one. I passed them all! Huzzah!), and I'm there! I am so there. Now all I have to do is get better than a D- in my classes. That's right. A D-. They set their expectations pretty dang high at Weber.

So, let's make a list of all the things I have left to do (for my sake more than your's - I'm a little scared I'm going forget to do something. I need a list).

*To Do Before Next Week Is Over*
1. Take Music test. (Shouldn't be too difficult, all things considered.)
2. Turn in my Language & Culture log. (For the final time! Praise be for that!)
3. Write Language & Culture final paper. (It will be annoying than anything - I'm really not expecting it to be much work. Just time consuming,)
4. Take Psychology test. (Only one more! The last test!)

Only four things! That's it! I am SO CLOSE!

I am an un[OFFICIAL] graduate! Almost. But we're close enough that I'm callin' it. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Unofficially in Love: Tom Hiddleston

The other day, I was reading a book about the Revolutionary War era. The main character fell in love with and married a guy who was twelve years older than her. As I was reading, I thought, Dang. Twelve years? That's just too big a gap. I could buy eight years, maybe even ten. But twelve? No way, Jose. The next day, after ogling Tom Hiddleston for a while (uh, perhaps an hourish ... but who's counting, right?) on Pinterest, I decided perhaps twelve years is acceptable. Very acceptable. Of course, it's merely coincidental that Tom Hiddleston and I are twelve years apart in age. Funny how that happens, isn't it?

Twelve years? That's nothin'.
I know he isn't classically handsome. If you want classically handsome, take a look at Orlando Bloom (who I am a fan of as well, in case you were wondering). But he's still got this something about him that works. Look at those eyes. They're as blue as the day is long. And he has a fabulous smile. Not in the picture above, obviously. That's the smolder look. Which I quite like. He does it extraordinarily well.

There's the smile! Radiant, isn't it?
He is, without a doubt, the most beloved villain of all fandom. I'm pretty sure he has more fangirls than Iron Man or Captain America or Thor. Because Loki is lovable. He's bad, but mostly because he's misunderstood! He needs love! But no. Poor baby. No one loves him (except all the crazy fangirls, of course). I think the reason he has so many fans is because we've seen him change from being a good person (in the beginning of Thor) to a super villain (in Avengers). We watched as he changed, and saw why he did it. And really, can you blame him? The poor kid finds out he's adopted, his family doesn't love him (or at least always see him as second to Thor), he's treated like scum - it all comes together to make quite a bitter, lonely boy. We feel bad for him! That's why we love him. Also, he's super attractive. But whatever. It's cool.

Hello Loki! Look at him. Just look! Even when he's evil, he's beautiful!

Also, I love him in War Horse. That is an excellent movie. And he is an excellent person. So that's nice.

I am un[OFFICIALLY] in love with Tom Hiddleston.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Unofficial Procrastinator

Before you read this post, you have to promise you won't let it make you think less of me. Really. I want a verbal contract between you and me that says something along the lines of, "I (your name here), promise not think less of Anna because of this post." And I promise to keep telling you all the things about me that aren't quite so lovely. (You're on the losing end of this one, friend.)

Were there an award for being a Procrastinator Extraordinaire, it would be mine. All mine. You may think, "Well, Anna, surely you aren't the only one in the world who procrastinates. It simply isn't possible, that of all the people in the world, you are the absolute biggest procrastinator." Alas, such is not the case.

An example. This is the part where we should refer back to that opening paragraph. Don't think less of me. Here's the deal. I hate cleaning. Being lazy and a procrastinator is an awful combination of personality traits. I was lucky enough to come out with these two. And, to my chagrin, Emily shares them with me. Hence, we live in filth. Okay, well, not filth, exactly. Just ... kinda. It looks like a laundromat exploded in our room. There are clothes literally everywhere. On the bed, on the floor, on the chairs, on the little table - like, literally everywhere. This does not make me happy. But when I've got an occasional spare minute, I don't want to spend it cleaning. I want to watch an episode of Bones or blog or read. Not clean. And so, my room has been in this state basically since the start of the semester. Embarrassing.

Another example, to illustrate my point. In order to get an Associate degree from Weber, one must either take computer technology classes, or test out of them. Since I'm fairly competent at computer stuff, I decided to take the tests. I registered for them, as I would any other class, with every intention of getting them out of the way at the beginning of the semester. I took one in mid-September. And one just before Halloween. Which means I still have two left. One of them shouldn't be a problem, and I'm not overly worried. The other? The other is on Excel. The one program I really struggle with. So here I am. Blogging. Instead of studying for the blasted test. And they are both due on Friday. This Friday. Like, four days from now. And besides getting those two little cuties out of the way, I also need to write a paper (oops - make that three papers - one of Language and Culture and two for Psychology), take two exams, do three little assignments, and not allow the stress of working retail to make me suicidal. Oh, and experience vast amounts of anxiety about the mission call I'm expecting to come next week. This is a breeze.

It just kills me that I've had all semester to take these dumb tests, but just kept putting it off and putting it off. And now here we are at the end, and I am freakin' out. It's so so stupid! I should have just done it at the beginning, like I meant to. I should have known that the last week of the semester would be stressful, and the added pressure of those dumb computer tests would not make for a fun week. But no. I procrastinated. As per usual. 

Friends, procrastination is NOT good. Don't do it. You all know this, I'm sure. I'm mostly saying this for my own benefit. Of course, as many times as I say this, I'm pretty dang sure I'll still be procrastinating away, blogging and Pinteresting and Facebooking and reading and doing all manner of wasteful activities in avoidance of the important and stressful. NOT GOOD. Here's my advice - if you've got a big project or test or assignment (or whatever it may be), get it out of the way sooner rather than later. Seriously. You'll save yourself a whole ton of stress. Just do it, and be done with it. 

I am an un[OFFICIAL] procrastinator. And I'm not proud of it.