
If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Unofficial Public Speaker


I HATE public speaking. It makes me want to jump off a bridge. Onto some railroad tracks. In front of an express train. ... Too much? Okay. Fine. It makes me want to jump off a bridge into a nice river where I can doggy paddle to shore without too much trouble, so it will be an uncomfortable experience, but not a life ending one. Better?

I'm speaking in church tomorrow. Apparently that is expected of newly returned missionaries these days. Silly.

I spent basically this whole entire day writing my talk. With an exception a couple hours spent shopping with my mom and sister. And the necessary YouTube breaks so my brain didn't fry from typing and thinking too hard about spirituality. Also, meals. But point of the story - I spent the better part of today writing the dang thing.

I hope it's decent. You know how you work really hard on something, and by the time you're through with it you can't even tell if it's decent or not, you just want to burn it in a bonfire? Hello, my day today.

That's all.

I just needed to type something other than a talk.

I am an un[OFFICIAL] public speaker. ... Lucky me. 

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